Here Are The Deal Breakers You Should Never Compromise On, According To Real Women
No matter who you are or how in love you are, there are certain deal breakers that can ruin a relationship. Now, these deal breakers can vary from person to person. For instance, I have a friend who refuses to be in a relationship with someone who would want to have children, because she never wants to have children. However, on the flip side of that, I would refuse to be in a relationship with someone who didn't want children, because I do want children. In a recent Reddit AskWomen thread, ladies shared their own deal breakers in a relationship that they believe should never be compromised on. And some of these answers are pretty insightful.
Read along and see if their deal breakers align with yours. And if you don't have any deal breakers in a relationship? Consider your feelings about some of these.
Any sort of abuse is out of the question.
Violence, cheating or other abusive behaviors.
It won't work if you're on different pages about having children.
If you want children and they don't, or vice versa.
For some people, it's important to be on the same page religiously.
I'm Christian and I'm looking for someone who is as well.
No smokers
Is open towards having children.
Honesty is the best policy within a relationship.
Lying, cheating, abuse, whether you want to have children, sexual incompatibility, empathy (or lack thereof), and ability to compromise in general.
A relationship has to be an equal partnership.
For me I wouldn't date a tobacco user, a man who expected to be in charge and me to be subservient, an indoor cat fan, nor someone who was really into a conservative religious group.
Any sort of manipulative behavior isn't acceptable.
abuse or manipulation. If you physically intimidate me or use force, coercion or display your anger through physically violence, bye. That includes punching a hole in the wall. If I feel threatened and unsafe in your company, bye. If you use verbal abuse to manipulation my self esteem through shame, guilt or isolation, bye. That includes telling me all my friends are shit and that without you I would be alone and no one would want me.
If you have children, your partner has to be willing to accept them.
i have child from a previous relationship, so if the other person does not like kids or want kids, that is going to be a big problem because although i do not want any more children, i already have one... soooooo.
There has to be a combination of respect and consent.
For me, it is respect and consent. My fiancé is incredible and never raises his voice at me and always acts with love towards me even when we are having a disagreement. .
A good partner should never make you feel like you're sacrificing your other goals.
You should never give up your educational or professional opportunities/success for a partner.
Compromise is a two-way street.
Compromise does not mean that one person always gets their way.
You don't want to spend the rest of your life without a dime to your name.
Someone who's terrible with money, and won't listen to your requests to be frugal.
Trust is the foundation of every successful relationship.
Lack of trust. It undermines everything. Inability to communicate. Can't even deal with it. I'm too old for any of this. Life is short, if someone is in, then be in. I don't go for half measures.
Any cheating is an automatic deal breaker.
Abuse Addiction (unaddressed, untreated) Adultery (by that I mean "going outside the previous relationship agreements without prior discussion)
While I do strongly believe that deal breakers vary from person to person, I also think some of these ladies brought some things up that should apply to all relationships.
In particular, remember that, no matter how in love you are, any sort of abuse is absolutely not OK. You deserve to be loved, respect, and cared about in any relationship you enter. Don't let your romantic feelings cloud your judgment about that.
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