Here’s How To Respond When You Get Rejected Over Text
It sucks, but it happens.
Picture this: You're waiting to hear from that person you went on a great first date with, or the crush you've recently confessed your feelings for, only to receive the sort of reply you've been dreading: a rejection text. Talk about deflating. Unfortunately, rejection is often a part of dating, but it's thankfully something you can learn to take in stride. Sure, it stings, but knowing how to respond to rejection texts is a great first step toward brushing it off and moving on.
It can also help to remember that most rejections aren't actually about you, so you don't have to internalize them, as Connell Barrett, Dating Transformation founder and dating coach with The League, previously told Elite Daily. His advice is that, rather than assuming someone not being interested in you romantically means you're "not good enough," you should try to take it for what it is: valuable information. "Someone who’s only had a date or two with you can’t really reject you because they don’t even know you," explained Barrett. "All they’re really saying is, 'We’re not a good fit,' or 'You’re not my type.' It’s not rejection. It’s just information."
So, the next time you get a rejection text from someone, instead of being hard on yourself, shoot off one of these messages to defuse the awkwardness and help you start bouncing back.
Sincere & Direct Responses For Rejections
- No worries at all. Seriously, thanks for letting me know.
- I understand and thanks for being honest. Good luck out there.
- It’s been fun and I’m sorry things didn’t work out. But that's just how it goes sometimes and I totally get it.
- They say honesty's the best policy, and I wouldn't expect anything less from someone like you.
- Hey, thanks for just telling me how you feel, that’s way classier than just ghosting. Best of luck out here.
- I appreciate you telling me and, really, no worries.
- That’s OK, I totally understand. It was still really fun getting to know you!
- Thank you for telling me — I completely get it.
- Appreciate you sending this! It’s definitely a bit disappointing to hear, but no hard feelings at all.
- I know that was probably a really hard message to write, so even though it's not the answer I was hoping for I appreciate you being honest.
- I can’t lie, that’s a bummer, but I get it. Thoughts on being friends?
Lighthearted Responses For Rejections
- Sorry, who is this? Just kidding, thanks for telling me the truth.
- I think you misspelled "you're my soulmate." Kidding! I totally get it. No hard feelings at all.
- Hmm, now what am I gonna do with this engagement ring? LOL. But seriously, I appreciate you being honest.
- Cool, friends it is!
- All good my friend. I’d rather you tell me than suffer in silence LOL. LMK if you ever want to hang again in the future.
- It's cool, see you around sometime!
- No biggie! Thanks for letting me know. Best of luck out there my friend!
- No problem! Sorry if that was awkward. Friends?
- Uh oh, time to queue up the Taylor Swift songs...kidding! For real though, thanks for telling me and I totally get it.
- Don’t text anything. You’re too busy moving on to sweat replying to someone who isn’t feeling you back.
Dealing with rejection is rarely easy and it almost always stings, but handling it with dignity and class can help you feel better faster. And ultimately, their honesty just frees you up to find a better match with someone else who'll truly get why you're so amazing.
Connell Barrett, Dating Transformation founder and dating coach with The League
This article was originally published on