15 Tweets About Weezer's "No Scrubs" Cover That Perfectly Sum Up Your Mixed Emotions
There are those who eat their pizza crusts and those who do not. There are those whose favorite season is summer and those who prefer winter. And then there are those who are currently loving Weezer's cover of TLC's most popular hit and those who absolutely despise it –and there's really no in-between. On Wednesday Jan. 23, the popular rock band secretly released a new album comprised of covers of songs, including Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" and a-ha's "Take on Me." But it is their cover of TLC's 1999 popular smash hit that has the internet freaking out. The Twitterspehere especially is blowing up with tweets about Weezer's "No Scrubs" cover with users either praising the hipster-esque cover or completely bashing it in its entirety.
Featured on their latest album Teal Album — which comes on the heels of their soon to be released album Weezer (Black Album) in March — the surprise drop comes with 10 covers of iconic and classic songs, along with iTunes notes where the bands gives background as to why they chose to cover each individual tune.
For "No Scrubs," Weezer lead singer Rivers Cuomo divulged, “I just thought it's one of those songs that's freakishly popular,” before adding, “I was trying to decide which gender perspective to sing it from then I saw this tweet that said, 'If you're a guy covering a song by a girl, you gotta keep the pronouns. For those three minutes you're gay.' So I was like, 'Cool, let's try this.'"
The song, which hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for 4 consecutive weeks, details TLC's view that a man without an automobile is a scrub (also known as a buster) and therefore not a suitable lover. It's interesting that Weezer chose to cover this song and Twitter users certainly have some strong thoughts about not liking it. Take a look below.
Other Twitter users, however, actually found the song enjoyable and to their liking.
And this isn't the first Weezer cover to gain attention online. Last year a viral Twitter campaign started by the fan account @WeezerCoverAfrica begged the group for months upon months to cover Toto's iconic song "Africa" to no avail. Weezer drummer Patrick Wilson eventually responded "I laughed" to one tweet and before the world knew it the group had covered the classic '80s anthem and blessed the rains down in Africa.
Whether or not you're a fan or Weezer's "No Scrubs" cover there's no denying that the groups effort to reach a broader group of individuals through their music is applaudable. The group covered a wide variety of songs from different decades on the album and all of this aruging going on online has everyone mimicking the recent Saturday Night Live skit where Matt Damon and Leslie Jone's characters get caught up arguing about the band and their most successful moments and songs.
Curious to see if you're a fan of Weezer's cover? Listen below.