16 Tweets About Dating & Relationships During The Holidays That Are So Relatable
One of the best things about the holiday season is when you have someone to share it with. While I am single this year, some of my best holiday memories include the ones I spent Christmas with my then-boyfriend and his family. Since I am Jewish, it was especially fun to participate in new Christmas traditions and rituals that I never get to experience with my own family. The following tweets about dating and relationships during the 2018 holiday season will feel all-too relatable for those in relationships now or who have been in the past.
Whether you're newly dating your partner, have been together for years, are long-distance, or in school together, the holidays are a special time to spend together. You get to eat delicious home-cooked food, get in quality bonding time with your significant other's family (or them with yours), and get to pick out gifts that they're sure to love. So what else to do than tweet about these wonderful moments with your significant other? I rounded up a list of some way relatable tweets about holidays with your significant other, so read on for the best of the bunch.
If you live together, you learn just how into the holidays they are.
One week before? It could be worse. I mean, they could be playing Christmas albums all year long.
Joyfully sharing that you've already picked out presents.
Picking out the perfect gift for your partner is part of the fun in celebrating holidays together. When you tweet out that you've already picked them out, you know you're in deep.
If this is what you're into, then great.
I personally cannot imagine ever running a 5k on a holiday. Maybe the day before or after, but day of? Nope, time to eat.
When long-distance doesn't stop your partner from getting you into the holiday spirit.
AKA teaching you how to wrap presents 'cause you can't do it without her. It's OK, we all have our faults. I, for one, am a master gift-wrapper and I'm v proud of it.
Holidays = uninterrupted time together.
The countdown has officially begun for students in relationships. From Thanksgiving to winter break, it's game time.
It's a time to relax.
Give the presents to your partner, and then chill out for the rest of the holiday since you did what you ~needed~ to do.
Sometimes you have to step up.
Wisdom teeth removal doesn't wait for anyone or anything, including New Year's. You have to play nurse and help your partner when they need you, New Year's Eve parties be damned.
This is... yikes.
I mean, I love chocolate as much as the next person, but one Kit-Kat? Not even a bag full of 'em? Come on, dude!
This is heartbreaking.
I hope this couple has adorable FaceTimes and snail mail to make up for the lack of in-person holiday time together.
Alexa please help.
Sometimes you need a robot to help guide you in gift-giving. Alexa knows everything, right?
*This* is how you do long-distance during the holidays.
Holiday movie dates together over the phone? Adorable.
Makeovers are a fabulous gift.
I, for one, think that's a magnificent gift. You've all seen Steve Carell in that movie right?
I love this snark.
That's right, show your family who made that relationship work! Live for the drama.
When you're scheming...
The gifts, love, and everything else you're planning on springing them with these holidays. The poor things.
When *you're* the gift.
Absolutely, 100 percent, positively priceless. No gift could be better.
OK, now that we are in the midst of holiday season, it's time to start spending more time with bae — digitally or in person — and less tweeting about them. 😂