18 Quotes That Make Good Opening Lines For Dating Apps, So You Can Do Better Than "Hey"
Let's face it: Coming up with a good conversation starter can be very tricky. Luckily, there are a ton of quotes that make good opening lines for dating apps out there that can honestly be a great go-to conversation starters. Even though resorting to the standard, "Hey, how's it going" may be tempting — if you're hoping to stand out, recognizable quotes from pop culture are a solid alternative.
If you're the type of person who avoids making the first move (which is totally OK) don't be afraid to reach out first and get to know some cool people. A good quote is not only a great way to see if your humor and romantic tastes vibe, but it also lets someone know what kind of movies, shows, or books you're into. So, here are some great examples of quotes that could set the stage for interesting conversations. Now go forth and prosper.
1. "I appreciate this whole seduction thing you've got going on here, but let me give you a tip: I'm a sure thing." — Pretty Woman
2. “If I met a horse that looked like you, I’d find that horse attractive.” — S.J. Kincaid
3. "Your eyes are amazing, do you know that? You should never shut them, not even at night." — Unfaithful
4. "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Where are Angels like you from?” — Amit Kalantri
5. "See, I've got this little problem. I've got a stalker... I need a cover. I need for you to pretend we're having a scintillating conversation, and you are wildly entertained." — Vanilla Sky
6. "I couldn't help but notice that you look a lot like my next girlfriend." — Hitch
7. "How would you like to have a sexual encounter so intense, it could conceivably change your political views?" — The Sure Thing
8. "You give me premature ventricular contractions. You make my heart skip a beat." — No Strings Attached
9. "You pierce my soul. I am half agony, half hope." — Jane Austen
10. "You know, it's dangerous for you to be in the frozen foods section — because you could melt all this stuff." — My Blue Heaven
11. “Just so you know, me and you, I don't think that's ridiculous. Dot, dot, dot, dot dot.” — The Office
12. "I wanna be wined, and dined, and 69ed.” — The Office
13. "Girl, I got to tell you, that suit looks like a piece of 'Good God' wrapped up in some 'Have Mercy,' with a side of 'unghm!'" — Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
14. "I think I've seen your picture somewhere before... oh yeah that's right, it was in the dictionary next to KABLAM!" — Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
15. "This might sound crazy, but I just had a flash-forward to us falling in love and getting married." — How I Met Your Mother
16. "I want to use my coupons for free hugs on you." — Modern Family
17. "Let's make a pact, OK? If we're both still single in an hour, let's get married." — Park and Recreation
18. "I'm digging your body, but what really turns me on are your brainssssss!" — The Walking Dead
See? Dropping a line to someone you've had an eye on doesn't have to be stressful. When in doubt, borrowing witty lines from your favorite shows, movies, or literature is always a safe bet.