These 18 Spanish Quotes About Love Make Perfect IG Captions
What is it about love that puts you at a loss for words? Sometimes, it's hard to express just how you feel when you're still on the roller coaster ride of complex emotions. Luckily, many poets, philosophers, and songwriters have been able to capture love in a beautiful, relatable way. Better yet, many of these well-known musings are in Spanish, which happens to be one of the Romance languages. So, next time you're hunting around for a romantic Instagram caption, look no further than these Spanish quotes about love.
They say love conquers all — potentially even language barrier — so, don't be afraid to use a Spanish phrase in your next Instagram caption post. There are lots of different situations in which these swoon-worthy phrases might be fitting for your social media posts, too. Perhaps you need the perfect caption to accompany a candid of your partner, or a cute pic of you two together. On the other hand, maybe you set an intention to find your person this year, and you believe that sharing some romantic phrases will attract that kind of love into your life.
Whether you're eager to flaunt your pride in your Latinx heritage, you simply want to send some heartwarming vibes out into the social media universe, or you know that Spanish is the only language that can fully express your feels about someone at the moment, these quotes should say it all.
"Usted es la fuente de mi ser." – Laura Ramirez
You are the fountain (or source) of my being.
"Besarte es como ver las estrellas." – Anonymous
To kiss you is like seeing stars.
"Entre lo que existe y lo que no existe, el espacio es el amor." — Spanish proverb
The space between what exists and what doesn’t is love.
"Amar no es mirarse el uno al otro, es mirar juntos en la misma dirección." — Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
To love is not to look at each other, it’s to look together in the same direction.
"Tal vez estamos en el mundo para buscar el amor, encontrarlo y perderlo, una y otra vez. Con cada amor volvemos a nacer y con cada amor que termina se nos abre una herida. Estoy llena de orgullosas cicatrices." — Isabel Allende
Maybe we are in the world to search for love, find it and lose it, again and again. With each love, we are reborn and with each love that ends, a wound opens up. I am full of proud scars.
"El amor todo lo puede." — Anonymous
Love can do it all.
"Esta vida es mía, pero este corazón es suyo. Esta sonrisa es mía, pero la razón eres tú." — Anonymous
This life is mine, but this heart is yours. This smile is mine, but the reason is you.
"Te quiero no solo por como eres, sino por como soy yo cuando estoy contigo." — Gabriel García Márquez
I love you not only because of the way you are, but because of how I am when I'm with you.
"No importa que nos separe la distancia, siempre habrá un mismo cielo que nos una." — Anonymous
It doesn't matter that we're separated by distance, we're still united under the same sky.
"Mi corazón es perfecto porque tú estás dentro de él." — Anonymous
My heart is perfect because you are in it.
"El amor es como el agua que no se seca." — Anonymous
Love is like water that never dries.
"Un mundo nace cuando dos se besan." — Octavio Paz
A world is born when two people kiss.
"El amor verdadero hace milagros, porque él mismo es ya el mayor milagro." — Amado Nervo
True love works miracles, because it is already the greatest miracle.
"Y es que el amor no necesita ser entendido, simplemente necesita ser demostrado." — Paulo Coelho
Love does not need to be understood, it simply needs to be demonstrated.
"La luna controla las mareas, y tú mi corazón." — Anonymous
The moon controls the tides, and you control my heart.
"Enamórate de ti, de la vida y luego de quien tú quieras." — Frida Kahlo
Fall in love with yourself, with life, and then with whoever you want.
"El amor más fuerte es aquél que puede mostrar su fragilidad." — Paulo Coelho
The strongest love is that which can show its fragility.
"Para quien ama, nada es imposible." — Santa Teresa de Jesús
For those who love, nothing is impossible.
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