Bachelor Nation Can't Stop Making Memes Of These Moments From Peter's Season
Having one man date 30 women simultaneously is bound to get complicated, and Peter Weber's season of The Bachelor proof enough of this. But while seeing women go home week after week can be heartbreaking, the show has also delivered tons of giggle-worthy moments to go along with the sadness. So, while you're looking back on everything that's happened this season, why not check out all the funny memes from Peter's Bachelor season to get a few laughs in, before the inevitably dramatic final episodes.
The Bachelor is in its 24th season of bringing memorable scenes — from romantic gestures to cringeworthy clashes — to viewers' screens. And while other seasons have had no shortage of impactful moments, Peter's season has gone above and beyond: There was the awkward and explosive #ChampagneGate, the brief but jaw-dropping return of Bachelorette Hannah Brown, and, of course, all the drama with both Victorias, Alayah, Tammy, Mykenna, and more.
All of this provided the perfect fodder for fans watching The Bachelor at home to do what they do best: turn Peter and his contestants' pain and suffering into something fun and entertaining. Feast your eyes on the best of the best memes to come from Peter's tumultuous season below.
03When You Think Peter Might Just Need A Pet Instead Of A Girlfriend
After all the drama, it might be best for Peter to just give up and focus on adopting a pet instead. What about Ashley P., the "emotional support cow"?
04When You Need A Little Motivation
Even though Kelsey became fodder for so many memes when a bottle of bubbly exploded in her face during #ChampagneGate, she made it to Peter's final four. Talk about a comeback story.
06When It Feels Like Nothing Is Going Your Way
Clearly, Kelsey came out of this season as one of the most meme-worthy contestants.
07When Mykenna's Elimination Face Was All Too Relatable
Like Kelsey, Mykenna became a queen of memes thanks to her memorable facial expressions. Her face after being eliminated showed her disappointment loud and clear.
09When Madison Seems To Forget Peter's Windmill Incident
The teaser for Fantasy Suite Week shows Madison seemingly telling Peter she will go home if he sleeps with another contestant. Did she forget that basically the whole world knows he did it four times in a windmill with Hannah B.?
14When All Of The Twists Seem A Little Too Coincidental
Let's be honest, every single Bachelor producer involved in that Victoria F./Chase Rice date deserves a raise.
15When You Want To Reminice on Past Loves
While walking the streets of Peru, Peter just happened to come across a windmill painting on the street. Producers made sure to capture him appreciating the painting, while viewers at home were all forced to remember Peter's steamy sleepover with Hannah B.
16For When Everyone Had Major Feelings About Hannah B. Coming Back
Peter Weber asked Hannah Brown to compete on his season of The Bachelor when she came back and admitted she still had feelings for him. Since the producers seem to love a good bit of chaos, it's probably pretty likely they really loved capturing this juicy moment on cameras.
17When Meeting The Parents Doesn't Go As Well As Planned
Hannah Ann's dad, "Ranger Rick," became instant meme material when Peter came to visit. Papa Sluss clearly tried to put on a good face, but his doubts about the whole situation came through loud and clear.
18When You're Unphased By A Breakup
Kelly got sent home after a 3-on-1 in Week 6, but like the badass she is, she left without shedding a tear.
19When You're Sure Peter's Going To End Up Alone
Peter's Bachelor journey doesn't seem to be going too smoothly, so it's definitely a possibility he ends up alone after all this.