20 Best Friend Quotes To Caption Pics With Your Ride Or Die
Friends are a dime a dozen, but a genuine best friend is a rare find. The best way to describe your best friend is that they are your missing puzzle piece. If you had to describe them even further, you might need the assistance of some quality best friend quotes. When you can basically write an entire novel about someone, it’s pretty difficult editing yourself down to just one caption-sized sentence. That’s why when you’re about to post an adorable selfie or dedicated post for their birthday, National Best Friends Day, or honestly, just ‘cause you're missing them extra, you want to be prepared. That's where these captions come in that'll capture your feels in a nutshell.
Whenever you’re together, it’s a fun-filled adventure — even if you’re simply chilling at home, watching your fave movie, eating pizza, and making DIY friendship bracelets. Not only do you make the most amazing memories together, but your best friend is also a constant in your life. They are there to support you. Whenever you’re having a bad day, your BFF is ready to give you the biggest hug ever and be a shoulder to lean on. On the flip side, when you’re having the best day ever, it’s likely because your BFF is by your side making you laugh. You have about a million inside jokes that can make you cry from laughing so hard whenever you think about them.
You’re so grateful for all that your best friend does for you, so the least you could do in return is show the world how fab they are on Insta. Since picking out which photo to post is already hard enough, these 20 best friend quotes will help make drafting up a cute caption super easy.
1. "It's not that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but it's your best friends who are your diamonds." — Gina Barreca
2. "There are friends, there is family, and there are friends who become family."
3. "Friendship isn’t always about who’s been in your life the longest, but the people who walk into your life and show you this is where they’re meant to be.”
4. "I don’t need a diary, because I tell my best friend everything and she/he/they keeps/keep it a secret."
5. "Thanks for always making me feel like a million bucks.”
6. "You make it so hard for me to pick a favorite day, because every one spent with you is my favorite."
7. "You should really start charging for your hugs, because I swear they’re magical."
8. "Did you know that one best friend can fix a million things?"
9. "Best friends are hard to find because the best one is already mine.”
10. "Felt cute. Might be best friends forever and ever and ever and ever…”
11. "You’re my Nemo. If you get lost in the great, big ocean, I’ll come find you.”
12. "Hey, your friendship means the world to me. I just thought you should know."
13. "Thanks for giving me the cheesiest dating app openers of all time. Wouldn’t trade them for the world”
14. "Thanks for being my unbiological sister."
15. "And till the end, you're my very best friend."
16. "A best friend is someone who knows exactly what you are thinking about just by taking one quick glance at you."
17. "Best friends are people who make your problems their problems, just so you don't have to go through them alone."
18. "I can't lose you, because if I ever did, I'd have lost my best friend, my soulmate, my smile, my laugh, my everything." — The Vow
19. "You're pretty much my most favorite of all time in the history of ever."
20. "A good friend knows all your best stories. A best friend has lived them with you."
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