These 25 Memes About Sexting Will Make You Feel So Hilariously Seen
Called. Out.
Are you awkward AF at starting a sexting conversation? Me too. I have a very, very low cheesiness ceiling, and thus, if I want to feel sexy or romantic, the conversation has to be equally funny, too. If you're someone who really appreciates traditional romance like poems and rose petals, that's awesome, but if you want to get in these pants, the only bone I'm interested in seeing (to begin with, at least) is the funny bone. This is where freaky memes come in, and having a few sexting memes to send your partner to let them know you want to get down and dirty, digital-style, can both kick things off and make you laugh. To me, nothing is hotter than that combo.
The good news is, there’s no shortage of options floating around on social media. But, to separate the strong from the weak, memes should first and foremost be really laugh-out-loud, pee-in-your-pants funny. That could mean witty, clever, or even silly (who doesn't like a good dad joke, am I right?), so long as they make your partner laugh. Second, they've got to be a bit ~suggestive~. mean, that’s kind of the whole point: Make your favorite person laugh and turn them on. Not sure where to start? Here are 25 XXX memes about sexting to help inspire you.
1. For When You Want To Be Subtle… But Also Not So Subtle.
This is a great one to kick things off with, because you don’t have to go too far out on a limb. If they're into it, they will read you loud and clear.
2. For When You’ve Got No Time For Subtlety At All.
Listen, sometimes you want to play it cool and ease into the conversation. But if you want to spice things up, just say exactly what’s on your mind.
3. When You’re Feeling 100% That B*tch.
You are a work of art. If you’re really feeling yourself and you want to send nudes, go for it! Just make sure you’re over 18 and have received consent to flash your bod.
4. For When You Know They Need A Little Ego-Stroking To Kick Things Off.
Who doesn't want to know that their partner (or at least, their sexting partner) thinks they're sexy? Consider sending a message letting them know how hot you think they are as sexting foreplay.
5. For When You Really Want It Right Meow.
Cute and dirty, this meme is a perfectly cheeky way to let your boo know you're ready to get freaky on the phone... and face-to-face.
6. For When You're Trying To Make It Clear What’s On Your Mind.
You can just caption this with “same” and they should get the picture.
7. For When You Want To Give Them A Little Tease.
Give them a little taste of what's to come later: Your sweet, sweet moves.
8. For When You Want Them To Know You’re Ready Whenever.
It’s funny because it’s true.
9. For When You Want Them To Know Exactly What Kind of Mood You're In.
Give them the heads up that you're on your way and that the roommates need to clear out for an hour or so.
10. For When You Want To Let Them Know What You're Working With.
Send this meme when you want to make them laugh and call an Uber at the same time.
11. For When You Have No Chill.
Or is this technically all chill? Either way, you two will be on the same page.
12. For When You Know What You Want And You Aren't Afraid To Just Say It.
Go on and get yours.
13. For When You Want To Giggle And Jiggle.
Again, it’s funny because it's true. So, so true.
14. *Opens Group Chat*
If sex with someone is so good that you need universal healthcare to recover, send them this meme.
15. For When They're Taking Too Long To Get To Your Place.
Tick tock! The time is now, so send this meme when you want them to get their booty over ASAP.
16. When They Just Aren't Picking Up What You're Putting Down.
Sometimes, your partner just isn't getting the picture. In that case, spell it out for them with this meme.
17. When You Want To Let Them Know A Solo Journey Won't Cut It Tonight.
Hey, you have discerning tastes. There’s no need to settle for subpar porn or a solo sesh when you know exactly what you want — which is for your partner to come over and join in the fun.
18. When Sexting Isn't Your Strong Suit, But You're Doing Your Best.
This meme is for all the people for whom sexting isn't really your thing, but you still want to make an appointment for tonight.
19. For when you want to keep it classy... or at least classical.
Honestly, getting a booty call from someone deserves more pomp and circumstance. It is a privilege to even be considered.
20. When you know you've found your booty call soulmate.
When your partner remembers things like which Hogwarts house you’re in, there’s no bigger turn on. Let them know they can slytherin your bed anytime.
21. For When You’re Ready To Send Something Their Way.
Maybe you’ve got a hot selfie you want to send your partner’s way. Give them a little warning with this meme that something dangerous is on its way.
22. For When You Want To Let Them Know It’s OK To Make The First Move.
While you could send a “u up” text yourself, this is a funny meme to let them know an invite is always welcome.
23. For When You’re Wearing Their Favorite Outfit.
Perhaps there’s an item of clothing you know your partner loves to see you wear. Send this hilarious meme before sending a photo of yourself wearing that item. It’ll set them up for a fun reveal.
24. For When You Want To Be Direct.
Serve up a meme that’s straight and to the point like this one. Hopefully, they’ll be able to pick up what you’re putting down.
25. For When You’re About To Get Spicy.
The goal of a sexy meme is to forewarn your partner that the real hot texts are about to come. This meme will let them know it’s about to get spicy.
Having a flirty meme ready to go is a great way to slide into your partner’s DM whenever the mood feels right. Send as many as you need to get the conversation going, and pretty soon, your LOLs will turn into so much more.
This article was originally published on