These Are The 30 Most Romantic Quotes From Bridgerton, Hands Down
BRB, swooning.
At first glance, Bridgerton seemed like an unusual choice for a prestige, high-budget Netflix series. Based on author Julia Quinn's novels, it's an old-school Regency romance, complete with all the usual cliched tropes. There are bodices to rip, breeches to burst, sex, sex, and more sex. But the show's real success comes from never losing sight of the love. It's right there in the genre name, "romance novel." Bridgerton delivers the heart-wrenching passion in spades, and these romantic Bridgerton quotes are worthy of every emotional swoon audiences can manage.
One reason Quinn's Bridgerton novels are massively popular is because of her writing. The books range from funny to zany to sentimental, sometimes all in the same scene. Some of Bridgerton's best moments and quotes are lifted wholesale from the page, including that intense duel between Anthony and Simon.
But Shonda Rhimes and her team also created just as many scenes from scratch for the Netflix adaptation. That includes its most romantic one, in which Simon asks Queen Charlotte for her blessing to secure a quick marriage to Daphne. It's a moment that doesn't happen in Daphne's story in Quinn's novel, The Duke & I. (As most fans know by now, Queen Charlotte is part of the Netflix series' additions to the original story.) But even though that moment is brand new for the book fans, it fits perfectly with the tone of the rest of Bridgerton. It's also a reminder that the show’s writers understand that making hearts flutter is the point of any series based on romance.
Here are some of the most romantic lines from Bridgerton Season 1:
- "You deserve nothing less. You deserve everything your heart desires." — Simon Basset
- "You have me protecting you too. I will always protect you." — Anthony Bridgerton
- "I burn for you." — Daphne Bridgerton
- "I am your family now. We shall make our own family, you and me." — Colin Bridgerton
- "Romance was entirely out of the question for both of us. But in so removing it we found something far greater: We found friendship." — Simon Basset
- "Anything that gets me your attention is a good thing, I rather think." — Benedict Bridgerton
- "Just because something is not perfect does not make it any less worthy of love." — Daphne Bridgerton
- "I thought about coming with you tonight. I envisioned myself on your arm, dancing the night away. But my imagination was the furthest I could allow myself to go." — Siena Rosso
- "Miss Bridgerton and I have been fooling all of Mayfair for quite some time. We have fooled them into thinking we are courting when really, all along, we simply enjoyed each other's company so much we could not stay away from one another." — Simon Basset
- "I tried. You must know... I tried." — Anthony Bridgerton
- “I know you must think me a fool but my heart pays no head to mere logic.” — Colin Bridgerton
- “I saw the way the two of you looked at each other last night and this morning. There are no others. There is only the Duke.” — Violet Bridgerton
- "Her laughter brings me joy." — Simon Basset
- “The ones we love have the power to inflict the greatest scars. For what thing is more fragile than the human heart?” — Lady Whistledown
- "Allow me to realize my late brother's wishes." - Sir Philip Crane
- "You can choose to love me as much as I love you. That should not be up to anyone else. That cannot be up to anyone else. It can only be up to you." — Daphne Bridgerton
- "You find things to love, my dear. Small things... and eventually they add up to be enough." - Portia Featherington
- "To meet a beautiful woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart." — Simon Basset
- "I'm afraid I cannot offer you that dance, Miss Cowper. I am to escort Miss Featherington to the floor." — Colin Bridgerton
- "It is you I cannot sacrifice." — Daphne Bridgerton
- "I am yours, Daphne, I have always been yours." — Simon Basset
- "You were not a fool. You merely believed yourself in love. One should never apologize for that. One finds oneself in such an incredible position, and, well, one should declare it, assuredly, fervently, loudly." — Penelope Featherington
- “I cannot help it. You are perfection itself.” — Prince Friedrich
- "Me, unavailable; you, desirable." — Simon Basset
- “We should tempt scandal more often." — Colin Bridgerton
- “The lady is quite the treasure. Do try not to bungle it up.” — Lady Danbury
- "Stare into my eyes." — Simon Basset
- “He loved me. All the time he loved me.” — Marina Thompson
- “You are wise, or perhaps unusually lucky, to understand friendship to be the best possible foundation a marriage can have.” — Queen Charlotte
- "I so love cheese." — Mr. Finch
Bridgerton Season 1 is on Netflix now. Season 2 is currently filming in London.
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