'You' Fans Are All Tweeting Clown Memes After Getting Tricked By Joe In Season 2
Well, folks, the long-awaited Season 2 of You dropped on Dec. 26, and viewers are already shocked at the striking twists packed into just the first episode. In the show's dramatic return, viewers learned Joe moved to a new city (Los Angeles), adopted a new alias (Will Bettelheim), and got a new job (in a bookstore), all apparently to pursue the "quiet life" he said he wanted. With all of this change, it really looked like Joe could have been on the path to leading a straight-edge lifestyle... until the end of the first episode, of course. These tweets about Joe in You Season 2 perfectly describe the frustration and shock that came with watching the wild return of the show.
Going into the new season, viewers hoped Joe was on his way toward a brighter future. Sure, he had killed some (well, a lot) of people in New York, but he seemed like he might've had some good in him and could honestly be ready for a change. At his new job he met Love Quinn, and seemed to battle with his internal monologue about the appropriateness of approaching her before she ended up approaching him.
Love and Joe's new connection obviously made viewers nervous for Love because, well, remember Joe's history with past girlfriends? And they had a right to be wary: Though it seemed like Joe was earnestly trying to turn over a new leaf, by the end of the season premiere, viewers learned Joe and Love's "chance" meeting wasn't so serendipitous after all. A series of flashbacks revealed Joe had spotted his latest target weeks prior, then finessed his way into a job at her store and rented an apartment peering into her home, all to get close to her. Joe clearly had not changed, and people felt all the feels realizing they, too, fell for Joe's creepy good-guy act.
Thanks to all this, Twitter's favorite clown memes were put to excellent use:
But the hilarious reaction tweets didn't stop with just one meme genre. Fans were on their A-game, shaming themselves in all kinds of creative ways.
Not everyone was super shocked by this revelation regarding Joe's intentions, but that didn't make those viewers' responses to the episode any less entertaining.
But whether they expected it or not, fans had a lot to say once Joe showed his true colors hadn't really changed at all since his time with Beck.
Based upon what they've seen, viewers didn't seem too hopeful for the rest of the folks in Joe's life after starting Season 2.
Joe, from all the viewers out there, here's a message for you:
Fans will just have to keep watching You Season 2 — on Netflix now — to see how Joe's stalking ways play out.