21 Funny GIFs For Your Instagram Story That’ll Make Your Friends LOL
I absolutely love Instagram stories. When they first rolled them out, I'll admit, I was a little skeptical. But once I figured out how to use them, I was hooked. Over time, they've only gotten better. Remember when you could only post photos from the last 24 hours in your camera roll? Fixed. The custom stickers? Adorable. The addition of the Superzoom and Stop-motion features? Unparalleled. Now, with the addition of GIF stickers, Instagram has truly taken stories to the next level. Start browsing, because there are so many funny GIFs for your Instagram Story.
If you didn't know, GIF stickers are coming to Instagram stories. So what are GIF stickers? Oh nothing, really — just an endless supply of GIFs you can add to any photo or video on your story to make it ten times funnier or more relatable. No matter how you're feeling, GIF stickers will add that little extra something to your story to really make it pop. The GIFs will come directly from the Giphy library. If you've ever used Giphy before, then you know that this means the possibilities are truly endless. Whether you want to add a sweet puppy, give a little eye roll, or tack on a hilarious Parks & Rec clip, there's something for every occasion.
With GIF stickers, you can browse what's popular in Giphy, or you can search to find something that perfectly matches your mood. Here are some categories you can search for the perfect GIF to make your followers LOL.
For when your mood can only be personified by your favorite flick.
You'll find every line from every show you binged when you were supposed to be studying. Shh, we won't tell.
For when you're just straight up confused.
OK, hear me out: crying can be funny sometimes. That's totally normal, right?
No explanation necessary.
For those oh-so-cringeworthy moments. We've all been there.
Birthday? Promotion? Weekend? There's a GIF for that.
So when will we be able to use this amazing new feature? Instagram is rolling out GIF stickers starting on Jan. 23 at 11 a.m. ET. According to a spokesperson from Instagram, most people should receive the feature immediately, but it could take a few hours for everyone to get it. It will automatically appear in your app, but if you don't see it, try closing the app and then re-opening it (this happens to me sometimes with Superzoom). Once you have it, you can GIF your little heart out!
Not only can you add GIFs that are relevant to your story content, but you can also add GIFs to embellish it. Sort of like the dog filter or the rainbow filter, but even better. For example, you can searching "accessories" for GIFs that can be layered over faces, including sunglasses, hats, and lips. With these, you can change up your look at any time. If you want to add a little extra ambience to your story, try searching "effects" for some sparkles or confetti. You can also search "Word Art" and "emoji" to add some text or animated emoticons.
One super cool thing that I've never seen before are "peekers." These are essentially GIF stickers that pop up and then disappear. Instagram recommends adding these to landscapes and in settings where they can pop up behind a screen or out from a wall. I'll definitely be giving them a try.
Whatever your vibe is, Instagram GIF stickers have got you covered. Get out there and get your GIF on!
Check out the entire Gen Why series and other videos on Facebook and the Bustle app across Apple TV, Roku, and Amazon Fire TV.