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These 3 Zodiac Signs Might Not Be Down To Label Your Relationship

by Tayi Sanusi
Originally Published: 

There's nothing quite like the frustration of falling for someone who seems to be dodging every opportunity to take your relationship to the next level. Whether you've been dating for a few months, or are approaching the one year mark, trying to build a relationship with non-committal zodiac signs can quickly start to feel like an uphill battle. The good news is that all hope is not lost. If you're willing to be patient, these zodiac signs can make great partners, but it my take them a while to untangle their true feelings.


Known for their paradoxical nature, Gemini is a sign that often experiences an excess of inner conflict that can make them difficult to pin down. It's not uncommon for the unruly twins to crave the freedom of singledom, while also yearning for the comfort and convenience of a committed relationship. For this reason, Geminis can be hesitant to label a relationship. And in some cases, this apprehension can last after passing relationship-y milestones like meeting their family, or regularly socializing with their friends.


As natural conflict avoiders, Libras aren't always forthcoming with how they feel. But when they do fall for someone, they tend to fall extremely hard. That's why, maintaining an identity independent from their love interest can feel like an impossible feat for them. However, it's not long before the observant Libra becomes aware of their propensity to get swept up in relationships — And since they've likely been burned in the past by committing too soon, more experienced Libras may feel the need to overcorrect this habit by constantly pumping the breaks, even when they're genuinely into someone.



Aquarians have so many wonderful qualities, but opening up about their emotions is not one of them. Being vulnerable is something that many Aquarians actively avoid. This is a sign that may also have unrealistically high standards for their relationships, which can make it hard for them to fully commit to a great partner who may not match up with the idealized image in their head. Your best bet when dealing with an Aquarius who's being dodgy about labeling your relationship is to make your feelings known, then give them space to process. If they're still being flighty, then it might be time to cut the cord.

When it comes to dealing with a partner who is apprehensive about putting a label on your relationship, it's important to strike a healthy balance between pursuing your needs and respecting the fact that they may be processing their feelings a lot slower than you are. That said, as in every relationship, having an honest conversation about the future is the best way to assess whether you're dating a compatible match.

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