3 Zodiac Signs To Date If You’re Looking For Unconditional Love
After another disappointing hookup, you mindlessly scroll through your phone, contemplating deleting your Tinder profile again. From awkward texting to picking out outfits, casual dating can be tiring. You're exhausted from "sewing your oats" (whatever that even means), and you're ready to find something real with a person that you know cares about you. Do you dare say it? You're looking for a serious, long-term, monogamous relationship. If you're ready for someone to really go the distance with, knowing the zodiac signs to date if you’re looking for unconditional love can be a good place to start.
While every relationship looks different, it can be important to know that your partner has your back. Whether you need some emotional support through a hard time at work or school or you're looking to really build a life with someone, knowing that your boo is there for you can make all the difference. No matter your sign, long-term partnerships demand communication and transparency.
From helping you work through conflict to giving you space to be yourself, when these three signs fall in love, they do so with their whole heart. Here are the three zodiac signs that love their partners, no matter what.
Taurus (April 20–May 20)
When it comes to falling in love with someone, steadfast Taurus goes all-in. Not one to "switch things up" or change their mind, when this bull builds a serious romantic relationship with someone, it's forever and always, no matter what. Though some may call Taurus stubborn, this earth sign's loyalty can never be questioned. If they have chosen to be your partner, they will be by your side for years to come, loving you unconditionally forever. Taurus will see their relationships through and will care for their partner fully, even during times of conflict or uneasiness.
Cancer (June 21–July 22)
Tender Cancer is all about acceptance. With a big heart and a "come as you are" mentality, they can see their partner for who they truly are. In fact, they love them all the more for it. The sign of the homebody, Cancer wants their romantic partner to feel like family. Loyal and dedicated, this crab will love you endlessly, hoping to take care of you for a long time to come. Ultimately, this water sign wants to be nurtured and loved themselves, and is happy to unconditionally care for someone in hopes of creating a strong and powerful bond.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22–Dec. 21)
While they may be slow to commit, fire sign Sag loves fully with an open mind and open heart. An optimist and risk-taker, Sag will always bet on their partner and will offer their whole soul to the people they love, without too much caution. Adventurous and independent, the archer understands that people need their space, and they'll be happy to give their partner tons of freedom in their relationship. Not one to hold grudges, Sag will be able to let go of the small stuff, enabling them to love their partner unconditionally. And when conflict inevitably arises, Sag will be great at moving past it.