3 Zodiac Signs Who Often Struggle To Voice Their Needs In Relationships
Communication is the key to a happy and healthy relationship. Chances are, you've heard that line time and time again, but what exactly does it mean? For one thing, it means being honest with your partner when your needs aren't being met, which sounds pretty straightforward, but isn't all that easy for some people. If the thought of opening up and articulating what you need in your relationship makes you cringe or break out in a cold sweat, chances are you're one of the zodiac signs who struggle to vocalize their needs.
The one thing these signs all have in common is that they’re extremely connected to their emotions. However, just because they feel things powerfully, that doesn't always mean they're able to verbalize them to their partners. Feeling and needing things so strongly makes communicating even harder for these signs, because their feelings make them vulnerable — a feeling they don't particularly love. That’s not to mention how frustrating these clashing emotions can be, which makes it even harder for them to speak up. If you're dating one of these signs, here are the communication conflicts you can expect.
Cancer (June 21 — July 22)
Cancer is notorious for hiding their emotions and needs. It's not that this sign is trying to be sneaky or withholding, just that they fear being emotionally vulnerable above all else. That’s partly because this water sign is ruled by the moon, the heavenly body associated with emotion. It's likely that, when they’ve been totally open about their needs, they were accused of being overly dramatic or needy. Since Cancer can’t help but feel the way they do, their only recourse is to try and hide their feelings, which means they’re reluctant to speak up about their needs.
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22)
You might be surprised to know that Virgo struggles to communicate their needs in a relationship because it seems like this sign, ruled by the communication-centric Mercury, is always speaking their mind. That’s true to an extent, as this highly critical sign has little trouble offering constructive criticism. But when it comes to opening up about what they need, Virgo often finds themselves surprisingly tongue-tied. For one thing, this sign also has a strong sense of intuition, so they can pick up on what others need without having to be told. But they’re also known to put their energy into taking care of others before looking out for themselves. As a result, they tend to keep their own needs suppressed until they reach a boiling point and it all comes out at once.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21)
Scorpio didn’t earn a reputation for being the most mysterious sign in the zodiac by wearing their heart on their sleeve, but don't be fooled by this water sign. They do have emotional needs in their relationships, it just isn’t easy for them to vocalize those needs. Instead, they tend to use more subtle forms of communication, like body language, and they get angry and frustrated when their partner doesn't pick up on what they're putting down. In this case, Scorpio's unwillingness to be vulnerable gets in their own way in a classic move of self-sabotage.
Speaking up for what you need in our relationship can be hard for any sign in the zodiac, but for these signs, it's that much harder. Be patient with yourself, or your partner, and remember that with practice it will get easier. You’ve got this.
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