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2 young woman laughing at a log cabin before posting a pic with a log cabin pun for Instagram captio...

40 Cabin Captions For Instagram That Will Leaf You Breathless

Logging off for the weekend, bye.

by Rachel Chapman
Originally Published: 

Picture this: It’s a brisk fall day, and you’re enjoying a warm pumpkin spice latte on the porch of your cabin. Sounds amazing, right? Take this as a sign that you need to plan a cozy cabin getaway. During the day, you and your friends can take hikes among the foliage and snap pictures playing in the colorful leaves. When the sun goes down, you could chill by the bonfire, roast s'mores, and watch your favorite movies. When it comes time to post your favorite memories from your getaway, all you’ll need are some cabin Instagram captions to accompany your post.

Just the views from the balcony alone will be Insta-worthy, so you’ll definitely need cabin captions to make sharing with your followers even easier. If you’re wandering where the Wi-Fi is weak, you definitely won’t want to spend precious time coming up with something witty to say when you do find a few bars. Luckily, there are plenty of cabin puns for you to use. If you’re logging off for the weekend, save your favorite snaps to post one big cabin photo dump when you get home. Just use these 40 cabin captions for Instagram to pair with all your group pics and the candid shots of you having the best time with your BFFs.

  1. "On top of mountains and beneath the stars."
  2. "The cabin is my happy place."
  3. "Sorry, I'm on cabin time."
  4. "Cabin, sweet cabin."
  5. "Our little cabin in the woods."
  6. "Wood you believe how beautiful this cabin is?"
  7. "Cabin life is the life for me."
  8. "You can take your five-star hotel. I've got a million stars in the sky here."
  9. "Memories made at the cabin last forever."
  10. "Welcome to our cabin."
  11. "Sometimes, I wonder what life would be like if I just lived in this cabin forever."
  12. "Worry less, cabin more."
  13. "Log live the cabin life."
  14. "Life needs more starry lights and bonfire nights."
  15. "The cabin is my happy place."
  16. "Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you." — Coldplay, "Yellow"
  17. "I'm always down for s'more cabin time."
  18. "I log spending time at the cabin."
  19. "Let's go where the Wi-Fi is weak."
  20. "I can bearly contain my excitement."
  21. "Having a beary good time at the cabin."
  22. "Snow happens at the cabin weather you like it or not."
  23. "Into the woods, it's time to go." — Into the Woods
  24. "The mountains are calling, and I must go." — John Muir
  25. "Staying at a cabin is less in-tents than camping."
  26. "Leaf me at the cabin forever, please."
  27. "Adventure awaits at the cabin."
  28. "Coffee tastes better when it's sipped at the cabin."
  29. "I want adventure in the great wide somewhere." — Beauty and the Beast
  30. "It's wild out here."
  31. “This is what happens when I make the decision to log off.”
  32. “I never want to leaf.”
  33. “It is good to know that out there, in a forest in the world, there is a cabin where something is possible.” — Sylvain Tesson
  34. “I love places that make you realize how tiny you and your problems are.”
  35. “Cabins are home to the coziest memories.”
  36. “Trailblazin’ through the weekend.”
  37. “Just mossin’ around.”
  38. “Here’s my lumber. Call me maybe.”
  39. “Living the pine life.”
  40. “You leaf me breathless.”

This article was originally published on