30 Disney Puns For Instagram That Are Dis-Knee-Slapping Hilarious
It's no wonder why people love Disney so much. The catchy songs, lovable characters, and happily ever afters are things that'll never grow old. Some of the classic films like The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast have likely stuck with you since you were little. Now, they hit you with so much nostalgia. Something else that's just as loved are puns. They may be a little cheesy, but somehow, they always bring a smile to your face. That's why you need some Disney puns for Instagram captions.
Some of the most successful captions on the 'Gram are punny ones. You can go with a cute quote or simple recap of what's going on in the photo, but a pun makes your followers laugh and shows that you put creativity into your post.
So, the next time you're watching your favorite Disney movie, hanging out at Disneyland, or just having a fairy tale moment, you need the perfect pun to capture it all. Instead of trying to come up with one on your own, you can use any of these 30 Disney puns I've gathered just for you. Think of me as your very own fairy godmother. I've come to grant your wish of having the best Instagram post, and I can see major likes in your near future.
1. "Janear, Jafar, Ja-wherever you are."
2. "Gaston won the no Belle prize."
3. "I'm always flying because I can never Neverland."
4. "If you're walking too slow, I'll tell you to Mufasa."
5. "If I had to choose, I'd say Taco Belle is my favorite."
6. "Hello, is it Smee you're looking for?"
7. "Remember... bee yourself." — Aladdin
8. "Let's get down to business to defeat the Hans."
9. "I'm Aladd-out of here."
10. "My ra-puns will make you face palm."
11. "Keep it Poppins."
12. "Hakuna moscato, it means no worries."
13. "Should I tell Ariel dinglehoppers aren't a thing, or should I fork-get about it?"
14. "I only ask so many questions, because I'm like Alice in wonder-land."
15. "This is Dis-knee-slapping fun."
16. "Takes a lot of pressure to find a diamond in the rough."
17. "I was mermaid for Disney days."
18. "Shell yeah, I love Prince Eric."
19. "What's a motto? Nothing, what's a motto with you?" — The Lion King
20. "Beast or bwest?"
21. "Someday, my prints will come."
22. "I knew you were trouble when you walked in. Now I'm lion on the cold hard ground."
23. "Can you tie a knot? I cannot. So, you can knot? No, I cannot knot." — Winnie the Pooh
24. "Watching 'Peter Pan' again, because it never gets old."
25. "Just like Olaf, I'm having a snow ball."
26. "If it's not baroque, don't fix it." — Beauty and the Beast
27. "Mirror, mirror on the wall. Don't say it, 'cause I know I'm cute." — Lizzo, "Juice"
28. "Re-watching 'The Lion King,' looking for Simba-lism."
29. "I like your mustacha."
30. "Listening to Dashboard Confessional like I'm finding emo."
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