40 Questions To Ask Your Crush During Truth Or Dare
Here’s how to get deep.
If my entire life were to be reduced into an anecdote about a game from childhood, it would undoubtedly be: Always chose truth. What can I say? As a Capricorn sun with a Taurus moon, I'm not exactly a thrill-seeker. I am, however, an impromptu deep conversation-seeker, which is perhaps why I love to think of questions to ask your crush during a game of truth or dare.
No matter how long you've been smitten with someone, sometimes getting to know them on a deeper level can be a little awkward. So playing a game like "truth or dare" can get everyone laughing and feeling comfortable expressing themselves in a fun and communal way. That said, preparing some truth or dare questions for your crush is a good idea — you never know when the opportunity to ask them might present itself.
Of course, no matter what middle school game you're playing in your adult years, from "seven minutes in heaven” to "never have I ever," you never should feel pressure to do anything that you're not completely comfortable with. For example, if you're not into talking about your family or you'd prefer to keep your Instagram and romantic history private, you can always give a big "thank u, next" to a question you're not feeling.
If you're ready to rumble and need some inspiration, here are 30 truth or dare questions to ask your crush.
01How far back into my Instagram have you crept?
Y or N: Do you know what I wore to my high school graduation party?
02What was the worst kiss you've ever had?
He wouldn't open his mouth at all and said "I don't do 'tongue." Then, he tried to get me to read Gravity's Rainbow.
03Are you afraid of becoming your parents?
Tell me more about your mom named Susan who never moved away from her hometown.
04Have you ever ghosted anyone?
And do you feel bad about it?
05What's something you can't let your parents find out about you?
If you have a story about your mom seeing your first tattoo at your rich uncle's Christmas Eve party and crying in front of everyone, now is the time to tell it.
06Do you have any scars?
Did you also run headfirst into a parked firetruck when you were three?
07What did you first notice about me?
I also like asking people to give me the play-by-play of the first time they met me, as well as what they were thinking the first time they ever saw or heard about me.
08Have you ever had your heart broken?
When my high school boyfriend dumped me, I cried in a snowbank.
09What did you get in trouble for when you were a kid?
My third-grade teacher made me stand out in the hallway because I would do stand-up in the middle of class.
10Who was your first celebrity crush?
If you're also a queer goddess, this could be a great time to ask, "So, when did you know?"
11When is the last time you cried or got mad?
I saw a baby on the subway today in a shirt that read "snacks first, pants later" and I cried.
12What's your favorite body part?
I don't really care about physical appearance, but I love me some direct communication and personal accountability.
13If I gave you $20 right now, what would you buy me?
This can provide some deep insight into how they would love on you if you were dating, and could be important if your love language is gifts.
14When's the last time you lied?
There's a new emoji with a long, Pinocchio-like nose and I send it to people when they are being fibbers!
15What are your favorite positions?
Honestly, I just want to sit there and watch you talk about your 401(k).
16What is something people would be surprised to learn about you?
This is my sneaky way of asking if you're secretly a real-life slasher movie villain.
17Why did your last relationship end?
This is my sneakier way of seeing if you call all your exes "dramatic."
18What do you think is the biggest misconception about you?
Self-awareness is hot.
19If you woke up and social media no longer existed, what would you do?
Get a buzzcut? Stop dressing up everyday? Move to China? Give me the IRL deets.
20What is the most romantic thing you've ever done?
What can I expect from you?
21If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be?
If you say spatula, I swear to god...
22What do you wish were different about your relationship with your family?
Are you good at setting healthy boundaries?
23Instead of a pet peeve, what is your pet passion?
I love referring to inanimate objects as "she," and when people drive automatic, but keep their hand on the gearshift.
24What was your worst fashion phase?
"It's not a phase, Mom!" was indeed a phase.
25What could you eat an entire carton of?
Are you sweet or savory?
26Did you ever have a crush on a teacher?
My elementary school reading teacher had tattoos, played guitar, taught me about Woodstock and I still have a crush on him.
27Do you get jealous?
Everyone gets jealous sometimes, but I want to know how you act when those feelings come up.
28If I looked through your phone history, what would you be embarrassed about?
I've done in-depth research on, like, every Real Housewife ever.
29When do you feel most vulnerable?
Are you open to talking about intimate things?
30Do you think things happen for a reason?
I go back and forth, but I want your take on it.
31If money was no object, what would your dream job be?
I want to know the things that you’re passionate about — and how they fit into your life on a regular basis.
32What’s your dream date?
And when are we going on it?
33Do you see a future here?
There’s no need to have everything in your relationship (or potential relationship) figured out, but it’s good to know that you have the same long-term goals in mind.
34What’s your biggest regret?
Regrets are a part of life, so the true test of character is whether or not you learn from them.
35What was your most serious relationship like?
The good, the bad, and the ugly. I want to know it all.
36What’s your first memory?
If you want to go deep, this is always a good option.
37Were you interested in me right away?
If not, I’m going to need an explanation.
38How did you meet your best friend?
One way to get to know your partner is to get to know their friends — or, at least, get to know their relationship with them.
39If you could change anything about yourself, would you?
Self-confidence is key (but so is introspection!).
40What’s one thing you wish I knew about you?
Believe me, I want to know it.
Playing truth or dare can be a super fun way to get to know your crush a little better. Of course, though getting closer to someone can be special (and a turn-on!), you never need to share anything you're not comfortable sharing. When you're totally swooning over a new cutie, the best thing to do is be yourself, and that's the honest truth.
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