4 Myers-Briggs Types That Get The Most Jealous In Relationships
Someone asked me the other day if I was the jealous type, and I immediately responded, "No, of course not!" But upon further reflection, I was forced to admit to myself that I do, in fact, have some jealous tendencies. Isn't it human nature to feel a little neglected when your partner checks out someone else or chats with a hottie at a bar? Whether that jealousy is validated or not, I think most people tend to feel envy every now and then, and for certain jealous Myers-Briggs types, that distrust can even put a strain on their romantic relationships.
Jealousy isn't necessarily a bad thing — it just means you care, right? But when your envy is a result of a bruised ego or unfounded suspicions rather than your partner's behavior, you may be putting your relationship at risk. Some personality types have a hard time keeping jealous feelings at bay, and for those types, maintaining romantic relationships becomes more of a challenge. Not sure what your personality type is? Take the test to find out. You may just be one of the personality types that struggles with jealousy and should take extra care to keep those resentful feelings in check.
ESFP (The Entertainer)
You might find it surprising that Entertainers — who are usually the life of the party — experience jealousy. However, when you want all eyes on you at all times, it only makes sense that a partner's inattention will get under the skin of an ESFP. Entertainers are free spirits who don't tend to find themselves in committed relationships often, but when they are in one, they can be prone to romantic jealousy.
ESFPs are sensitive, vulnerable individuals, despite their class clown demeanor. Most of the time, people with this personality type would rather have a good time than dwell on envious feelings. But if an ESFP feels neglected, they tend to get paranoid, which can lead them to play games or do something dramatic to earn back their partner's attention.
ENTJ (The Commander)
As the name suggests, Commanders like to take control of all things, and that includes romantic relationships. These types resist showing their vulnerable side, though if they do feel their partner's eye is wandering, they aren't afraid to employ a little manipulation to restore order. Like in most areas of life, Commanders approach relationships with predetermined goals in mind, and if that master plan is threatened, an ENTJ will take action.
ENTJs don't mean to be controlling — they simply have an in-it-to-win-it attitude that influences the way they think and behave. Those with this personality type take dating seriously, so if a partner shows signs of straying (whether those signs are imagined or not), Commanders tend to go on the defense. Stubborn and dominant, a Commander needs a partner whose affection will never waver.
INFP (The Mediator)
Mediators are dreamers, and for them, the ideal relationship is something out of a fairytale. Unfortunately, life rarely plays out like a storybook, and real-life relationships are bound to be a challenge for the romantic ideals of an INFP. While people with this personality type are idealists who tend to see the glass half-full, that idealism can also set them up for disappointment, as well as resentment.
A Mediator may try to talk themselves out of jealous feelings, but as they tend to internalize emotions, that envy is likely to grow rather than resolve itself. When INFPs get caught on an idea, it can take over their every waking moment, and if that idea is a partner's unfaithfulness, a Mediator can be totally consumed with jealousy. Unlike Commanders, Mediators have no desire to control others, but they hold their partners to high standards, and they are easily upset if those standards aren't met.
ISFJ (The Defender)
Defenders would do anything for the people they love, but when they find themselves in relationships, that desire to protect can develop into possessiveness. If an ISFJ feels that their partner is not showing them enough appreciation and support, bitterness tends to arise. These types have a desire for social validation, after all, and they can quickly become needy and jealous if they feel like they are not being affirmed.
Defenders are amazingly observant and deeply sensitive, and because they are often compelled to repress their feelings, a perceived slight can easily morph an ISFJ into a green-eyed monster. People with this personality type simply love to show love and feel loved in return, and when a partner isn't providing all the attention an ISFJ desires, jealous feelings are pretty much inevitable.
A little jealousy in a relationship is natural, but a lot of jealousy can be a deal breaker. Even if you aren't one of these personality types, it's important to discuss hurt feelings with a partner rather than keep them bottled up, because when resentment isn't addressed, it can become a real issue.