4 Myers-Briggs Personality Type Pairs Who Get Into The Biggest Fights
If you and your boo are both dog people, early birds, and white-wine drinkers, you might deem yourselves compatible. But compatibility has to do with a whole lot more than your preference in animals, sleep schedules, and libations, and that's why the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is so helpful. The MBTI is all about your psychological preferences and worldview, and IMO, if someone made a dating app that matched people based on Myers-Briggs type, the success rate would be through the roof. There are certain Myers-Briggs personality type pairs who fight without fail, and it doesn't matter if they both prefer chocolate ice cream over vanilla — they simply aren't compatible in the ways that matter.
The MBTI is based on four main factors: Introversion/Extroversion, Intuition/Sensing, Feeling/Thinking, and Judging/Perceiving, making for 16 distinct personality archetypes. The fewer qualities you share with someone, the less likely you are to be compatible (though there are, of course, exceptions to this). Opposites can and do attract, and sometimes, people who share all four qualities are still far from an ideal match. But when it comes to relationship compatibility, here are four Myers-Briggs personality pairs who rarely make for an agreeable couple and should probably keep their distance.
INFJ (The Advocate) & ESTJ (The Executive)
People with INFJ and ESTJ personalities are known for being law-abiding, hard-working do-gooders. They both thrive by helping others, and they're both judging personalities, meaning they always set out with a plan. And that's just about where their similarities end.
While soft-spoken Advocates tend to be reserved, Executives are natural-born leaders. INFJs approach situations with an open mind and a desire for emotional validation, but ESTJs subscribe to a "my way or the highway" mindset, and they're unlikely to provide any reassurance or support without prompting. They may both be selfless, but an INFJ is likely to find an ESTJ bossy and stuck in their ways, and an ESTJ will probably deem an INFJ needy and pliable.
ISTP (The Virtuoso) & ENFP (The Campaigner)
ISTPs and ENFPs are both perceiving personalities, which means they value spontaneity over tight schedules. Both Virtuosos and Campaigners are always down to try new things and go with the flow, but just like with Advocates and Executives, Virtuosos and Campaigners have an introvert-extrovert dynamic that leads to butting heads.
Enigmatic Virtuosos are quiet, solitary types, while happy-go-lucky Campaigners thrive in group settings and want to be surrounded by friends at all times. ISTPs also tend to make decisions based on logic and facts, while ENFPs are all about gut feelings. An ISTP will likely write off an ENFP as shallow and frivolous, whereas ENFPs usually find ISTPs a bit dull and unimaginative.
ENFJ (The Protagonist) & ISTJ (The Logistician)
Just like INFJs and ESTJs, ENFJs and ISTJs are judging personalities who live for order and routine. Other than that, these two personalities are as different as can be. Passionate Protagonists are warm and open, always ready to make new connections and consider new ways of thinking. Practical Logisticians are self-sufficient and a bit withdrawn, preferring their own company and sticking to their own agenda.
Though ENFJs are admittedly a little sensitive, ISTJs are all but devoid of sentimentality. Protagonists are known for their incredible empathy and ability to intuit others' feelings, but if their Logistician partner won't let them in, they can't make the emotional connection they crave, leading to frustration on both sides.
ENTJ (The Commander) & ISFJ (The Defender)
While also a pair of judging personalities, ENTJs and ISFJs have little in common beyond their passion for planning ahead. Iron-willed Commanders know what they want and when they want it, and though they tend to be charismatic, showing empathy isn't their strong suit. Kind-hearted Defenders have a reputation for being accepting and adaptable, so the ruthless nature of ENTJs isn't likely to attract an ISFJ's sweet sensibilities.
You might think this dynamic could be successful, where Defenders never stop giving and Commanders rarely stop demanding. But ultimately, an ENTJ will likely decide their ISFJ partner is a sensitive people-pleaser, while an ISFJ will likely find their ENTJ partner intolerant and unyielding.
Anyone can make for a great match, but if you and your boo approach and interact with the world in entirely different ways, the chance of you seeing eye-to-eye is slim to none. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go make my MBTI dating app (and if anyone knows how to make an app, please LMK).
This article was originally published on