4 Women Reveal What Their Tinder Profiles Look Like & It's So Reassuring
One of the trickiest parts of setting up your Tinder profile is figuring out which photos to use and how to write a bio. This is the first glance someone else has at who you are as a person, and you could be unsure of how to capture your personality in just the right way. Do you use a quote for your bio? Do you use group pics or a headshot or a selfie for your main photo? In case you need some inspiration and have been holding back, these women's Tinder profile ideas may spark something in you to craft your own bio and picture to select.
I took to the internet to find women who use Tinder to see what their bios and photos are like on the app. These attractive, intelligent, and cool women are on dating apps, so rest assured, it's fine if you are, too. There's absolutely nothing to be ashamed about in taking control of your own dating destiny, and it's about time society stops doing so. These women have creative and fun profiles, and are different in their own way, which shows there isn't one "kind" of woman who uses dating apps. Continue on to see their own dating app pictures and bios.
Vero, 24, has a playful profile.
For her main Tinder photo, Vero uses a playful main picture holding up a donut, and jokes about looking for someone to "kill roaches" and "reach the top shelf," poking fun at her height.
"I chose that photo because a friend took it with studio lighting, and I was also having a semi-good hair day," Vero tells Elite Daily. "We had these donuts laying around and I think the photo is silly and matches my personality, but also, flirty!"
As for her bio, she says, "I always feel kind of awkward coming up with something witty to say about myself "
"But I thought it'd be sort of nice to explain what I'm looking for in a man, which, obvi, is way more than someone brave enough to kill roaches and reach the top shelf," she says. "But also, I'm 5 feet tall and I hate roaches. So I think it describes me without actually describing me and touches on the kind of silly dynamic I'm looking for in a potential partner."
Beatrice, 23, opts for a seasonal aesthetic with her main photo.
"I like this picture because it shows me doing something fun, has some bright colors, and I’m happy with how I look," Beatrice tells Elite Daily. "I also find using a picture with a more conservative outfit helps deter the sexually aggressive users."
Beatrice keeps her bio simple with a few words and phrases to describe what she'd like to do with another person.
"My bio includes things I would like to either talk about or do on a date," she says. "Additionally, I’ve included my astrological sign and Myers-Briggs type to reveal more nuances of my personality."
Samantha, 24, utilizes Tinder profile features to help showcase her personality more.
"I chose this photo as my main profile pic on Tinder because I think it’s the best selfie I’ve ever taken," Samantha says. "I look good, you can clearly see my face, and I’m the only one in the picture, so guys won’t have to guess which girl I am in a group photo!"
"As for my bio, I kept it pretty casual and light," she says. "I like having a simple bio that also acts as an ice breaker! Seinfeld is my favorite TV show, so I like when people message me references, plus, I have a thing for musicians, so I love when guys offer to follow me around playing the theme song! I really like that you have the option to connect your profile with Spotify now — music is very important to me, so I like letting people what I’m into as well as seeing what other people like!"
Julia, 20, likes to keep it light.
"I like making jokes in my bio because it makes for a good conversation starter," Julia tells Elite Daily. "I think the joke about the third picture [bottom right] makes people tap through to see what I’m talking about."
I hope these women will help you figure out the right bio and profile pictures for you. But at the end of the day, whatever feels most you will be what makes you successful on a dating app. Enjoy your swiping!
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