5 Guys Reveal The Worst Things That Happened On Vacation With Their Partner
A couples' trip is supposed to be an opportunity to get away, relax, and enjoy time with your partner. So why is it that there are so many couples' vacation horror stories? These five awful things that happened on vacation are super unfortunate, but at least they're providing entertainment years later. Because I feel so bad about these guys' vacation experiences, I'll start off the article by sharing a cringeworthy story of my own.
In college, I went to visit my then-boyfriend's parents over winter break. We'll call him Ron*. His dad had given him some pot, but his mom didn't know either of them smoked. Ron didn't have a grinder, so he was looking for scissors to help him break up the weed. His mom came upstairs, and he literally hid this giant piece of weed behind his back. Obviously she was like, "What is that you're holding?" so he sheepishly showed her. They excused themselves to have a long talk, and I'm 99 percent sure the pot was blamed on me. Based on the way she acted for the rest of the trip, Ron's mom clearly thought I had corrupted her son — when in reality, it was a family operation.
If my experience isn't scary enough for you, here are five mishaps that happened to guys who went on vacation with their partners.
This guy's partner neglected to tell him some vital information.
On our first trip to the U.S., she decided not to tell me how afraid of flying she was until we were taxiing to the runway. From that moment on she spent the entire flight sitting perfectly upright, pale and sweating profusely. During take off, holding pattern, and landing she was holding my hand so tightly my hand would fall asleep and I had to pry her hand off and give her my other hand to hold every so often. It wasn't fun to witness.
This guy is literally the reason why they post "Caution: Shallow" signs.
I threw her high up in the air on the shallow end of the pool and she cracked her head on the bottom.
— bartgus
I'm going to need some more details here.
Got engaged...
— rezplzk
This guy's story is the definition of the worst case scenario.
Had a heart attack during sex. If ever there were a time when the gods could've taken me with no objection, a scenario that is exactly how I always answer the question, 'If you could choose how you die, how would you go?' is that time. Sadly (?), I survived.
— RealFoxD
For this guy, introducing his girlfriend to his parents led to an intense situation.
I went to Cuba last year with my girlfriend for our first vacation. A few hours before we left for the airport I told her that my parents were coming along. We spent the first two days in Havana by ourselves but when we traveled around the rest of the country they were with us. My girlfriend spent practically every meal being asked questions like, 'What birth control do you two use?' 'You're six years younger, how do you plan on dealing with the age difference when he’s ready for children?' 'If you have children, will they be Jewish?' It was the first time she ever met them.
— Evan, 28
Keep these experiences in mind the next time you jet off with your SO. You want to bring home a souvenir from vacation, not a horror story.
*Name has been changed.
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