These Are The Healthy Relationship Boundaries You Should Set From The First Date
When you first start seeing someone new, the thought of setting healthy relationship boundaries might slip your mind. It's easy to get caught up in all the butterflies when your date walks in and seems to be every bit as cute and charming as you hoped they'd be, but setting clear boundaries from the beginning is a great dating habit to have. Talking about what you want and need and figuring out where you stand helps set you up for success with a person you might want to enter into a relationship with. And at the very least, it helps you weed out people who aren't as compatible with you.
"The first few dates can set the foundation for your reading your potential partner accurately," psychotherapist, author, and relationships specialist LeslieBeth Wish tells Elite Daily. "But you need to be sure to use the best building blocks. The goals of your first few dates are to test your initial intuitive assessments about this new person. And the smartest way to do that is to ask effective questions and to set clear boundaries."
So, what kind of boundaries should you be setting from the beginning of a budding new relationship? From communication to intimacy, here are some things you might consider discussing from the first date.
01Clarify Your Communication Styles
From the beginning, you should both make it clear how you prefer communication to be. This means mentioning things like texting styles and talking about how you feel about social media. Do you want to text all day, every day? Or would you prefer to touch base once a day and maybe share the occasional meme on Instagram?
"[Both people] should identify what their communication styles are going to be so that one is not either offended or overwhelmed by the communication," author and relationships expert Alexis Nicole White tells Elite Daily.
You just want to make sure that you're both on the same page about how you want to communicate and how often from the get-go. And of course, if you end up in a relationship, things might change as you get more serious, so make sure you think about your needs and talk about them as they evolve.
02Share Your Personal Space Requirements
Personal space encompasses a lot of things, so make sure you really think about your needs. How much time do you need to yourself? How private do you prefer to be? (Would you share your phone password with a partner?) Ask yourself questions like this so that, when you find yourself on a date that's going well with someone you want to keep seeing, you can talk about what's important to you.
"Individuals should address their space requirements immediately in the beginning of the relationship so that it is clear," White says.
This is another thing that will likely change over time, as more and more things come up over the course of a relationship. On the first date, it might just be a discussion of how much time you like to spend with a partner, for example. In a serious relationship that's moving toward living together or getting married, on the other hand, you'll definitely want to talk boundaries in terms of finances.
03Get On The Same Page About Future Dates
You can tell a lot about how you're really going to click with someone by trying to make plans for future dates. You want to be on the same page in terms of what sorts of things you're interested in and what activities suit both of your lifestyles. Wish suggests talking about what kinds of dates you both like going on and setting boundaries that way — with an emphasis on making your dates "resemble real life."
"Most of healthy, long-term relationships spend their time doing ordinary things!" Wish says. "Take charge to set a boundary for how you would like your next few dates to be. Go for walks, attend free local events, meet at your favorite breakfast or lunch spot. And, yes, even add a few errands."
This will help set the course for how your (potential!) relationship goes, and as a bonus, will help you get to know your date better.
04Be Clear About Commitment And What You Want
White also points out that it's important to address commitment head-on.
"[Both people] should be clear about what their expectations are in a relationship as far as commitment is concerned," White says.
If, for example, you're looking for a serious, monogamous relationship, but the person you're on a date with is looking for something more casual or open, it doesn't really matter how much chemistry you have — it's just not going to work out. This is definitely something you want to be up front with about from the beginning, so that neither person gets hurt or feels like they've wasted their time.
05Know Where You Stand On Physical Intimacy
And last but not least, if physical intimacy comes up on the first date, it's best to address it before anything happens. If, for example, you don't like to kiss on the first date, mentioning it before it happens ensures that you both feel more comfortable. Or, if you can't tell if your date is OK with a first date kiss or even something like holding hands, the best thing you can do is just ask! "Can I kiss you?" is both a great way to get consent and an opportunity to start a conversation about how you both want to move forward.
It's OK to be intimate or even have sex on the first date (though Wish does suggest setting a "sex-pectation boundary") so long as you both are into it. White brought up an important reminder, which is that "no one should feel entitled to having sex" when dating new people. (And really, that goes for every scenario!)
The important thing to remember in any dating situation is that you want to make sure you and the other person are on the same page. Whether it's when you want to text each other or if and when you want to take things to a more physical level, it's all about communication. Setting healthy boundaries from the beginning can only help.
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