5 'Spider-Man: Far From Home' Easter Eggs You Definitely Missed In Theaters
Spider-Man: Far From Home is perhaps one of the more interesting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe films, because it's not solely a Disney production. Made in conjunction with Sony, who have had the rights to the webslinger since the 1990s, the movie is caught halfway between two franchises: Disney's MCU and Sony's Spider-Verse. This means, when it comes to easter eggs and references, it pulls equally from both. These Spider-Man: Far From Home easter eggs prove that having multiple production franchises to reference can make for extra delight for fans of all the different series to enjoy. Warning; Spoilers for Spider-Man: Far From Home follow.
The most significant comes at the midpoint of the credits, when Sony and the MCU throw out a massive cliffhanger. Parker thinks he's defeated Mysterio, but even in death, Stark's disgruntled ex-employee is trying to ruin his life. But the video framing Spider-Man for Mysertio's death and revealing his identity was overshadowed by who did the delivering.
It's none other than J. Jonah Jameson of The Daily Bugle, the newspaper where Parker works as a photographer in the comics. And even better, Jameson is played once again by J.K. Simmons, the same actor who inhabited the role in the original Spider-Man trilogy starring Tobey Maguire.
01Earth 616
The other major easter egg in the film turns out to be untrue. When Spider-Man meets Mysterio, he claims to be from a different version of Earth. This, he tells Parker is Earth-616. He's from Earth-833.
Even though this turns out to be a bunch of scripted mumbo-jumbo, there are Marvel multi-verses, including an Earth-616.
02Iron Spider Suits
Parker goes through several different suit versions throughout the movie, from his standard suit that Aunt May packs him, to the Iron Spider suit he wears at the charity initiative, to the black Nick Fury-inspired "Night Monkey" suit.
But the biggest one is when Parker gets on the Stark plane and starts looking through his options, including a Spider-dominant one last seen in Into The Spider-Verse.
03Mysterio’s Hallucinations
Perhaps the most comic-book moment in any Spider-Man film ever, the scene where Mysterio runs Spider-Man through a Jack Kirby-esque kaleidoscope of ever-shifting mirage of scenarios, all in service of walking the boy into the path of a speeding train to kill him.
04Kree Sleeper Cells
Nick Fury and Maria Hill are revealed to actually be Talos and one of his henchmen, filling in while they are on vacation. But there's a hint about their Skrull identities a few scenes earlier.
As Fury stands overlooking the fight with Mysterio, he says: "I thought the Kree sleeper cells were supposed to be a secret."
Kree sleeper cells? On Earth? Since when? Knowing Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and The Inhumans are not part of the MCU, this is a huge easter egg, and a hint of where the series might go next.
05Osborn Penthouse
Everyone got all excited over the first post-credits scene, where J.K. Simmons suddenly appears on a Time Square TV reprising his role as J. Jonah Jameson, editor of The Daily Bugle. But his appearance isn't the only part of the original 2002 Spider-Man that has transported into the MCU.
As Parker texts and swings, the tower he runs across the roof of is none other than the Osborne Penthouse from Raimi's Spider-Man 1-3.