5 Supportive Texts To Send Your Sister When She’s Heartbroken
The only thing worse than going through a breakup is watching someone you love suffer through the same pain. This is especially true if the person is your sibling. If your sister is currently dealing with a breakup, then naturally, you're probably going to want to be there for her and help her through this difficult time. That's why having some texts to send your sister when she's going through a breakup saved on your phone can really help show her how much you care.
Having a sibling comes with a bunch of awesome perks, but it also comes with an equal amount of responsibility. This means that whenever they're going through a rough patch, like most people do after a breakup, it's normal to feel like you want to support her. Depending on how things with her partner ended, you could be in for a few weeks (or months) of emotional late-night phone calls and midday pep talks. In addition to regular phone conversations, communicating via text is another solid way to keep in touch and send uplifting messages when they're feeling down. Below, five different types of texts you can send to sis that will help her see the light at the end of the breakup tunnel.
01The Comforting Text
Hey sis, I know you're feeling down right now but just remember that things will get better. It might not feel that way at the moment, but try to stay strong. I love you and I'm here for you whenever you need me.
Sometimes, all your sis needs to hear is that everything is going to be OK. So, if she's really feeling low, just let her know that no matter how bad she's feeling, the pain won't last forever.
02The Tough Love Text
Hey [name], I know you've been in a slump since the breakup and it's been tough. You are so much stronger than you realize! At the end of the day, you have to keep moving forward. You can do it, I believe in you!
If your sister has been struggling with a breakup for an extended period of time, it might be time to show her a little tough love. Obviously, you're still going to want to be gentle. But, in these situations reminding her of her strength instead of indulging another pity party is key.
03The Reminder Text
Hey [name], I totally get that adjusting to single life can be really hard. But, I don't think rushing to get back together with [their ex's name] is a good idea. You guys broke up for a reason. If you decide to get back together, I will support you. Until then, it might be worth it to take some time, focus on yourself, and make sure you're doing it for the right reasons and not out of fear. Stay strong sis!
When the fear of being alone gets intense, rekindling with an ex might feel like the best option. If your sister is suddenly convinced that she can't live without her ex, it's important to kindly remind her of the reasons they parted ways. However, this shouldn't turn into a roasting session. All you can do is present the situation as objectively as possible to help her think clearly. If she still wants to get back together with them, that's her decision to make.
04The Girl Power Text
You are such an amazing woman [name]! Anyone would be so lucky to call you their girlfriend. You have so many wonderful qualities, and I'm not just saying that because you're my sister. Keep your head up boo!
A breakup is a perfect time to remind your sister what an amazing catch she is. It can be so easy for someone's self-esteem to take a hit after a relationship ends, so don't forget to tell her how lovable and great she is.
05The 'I Love You' Text
I love you so much [name]! I can't imagine my life without such an amazing person. I feel so lucky to call you my sister.
For those times when you don't know what to say, reminding your sister that she is loved is always a good move.
It's hardly a secret that breakups are painful AF. It can literally feel like your heart is being ripped out of your chest. One of the only things that can make the agony bearable is the support of friends and family. That's why showing your sister some extra love via text can make a huge difference.
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