These 6 Foods Give You Energy In The Morning, So You're Set Up For Success
If you're not really a morning person, you know the struggle can be real parting with your bed and getting ready for the day ahead. But the scoop I’m about to drop is going to rock your world. You can be a total boss in the morning — you just have to stock your kitchen up with foods that give you energy in the morning so you can eat like one. That way, you can whip up a wholesome breakfast that fuels you for greatness — even if that just translates to you getting to work on time.
Up until now, maybe you never really thought about the foods you eat for breakfast on the reg, especially if you’re someone who isn’t exactly a morning person, or who simply can’t stomach a heavy meal right when they wake up. When it comes to breakfast, everyone's routine is different. For instance, I know myself, and I wake up ravenous, while my husband can’t even look at food for at least an hour after rolling out of bed — and that's perfectly fine.
I’m not saying you should sit down to a brunch-like spread at 7 a.m. every day in order to feel energized. But what I am suggesting is that you pay attention to your food choices, how your first meal affects how you feel for the entire day, and to make adjustments accordingly. Here are a few foolproof staples that make for incredibly energizing meals.
When you're trying to narrow down sources of energy, processed sugary treats like a muffin or canned drinks might come to mind. Sugar is certainly tasty, but it'll only keep you on the up and up for so long. (It's called a "sugar crash" for a reason, after all.)
Instead of the artificial options, go for a natural alternative — like honey — to sweeten up your favorite breakfasts items like oatmeal, tea, fruit salad, and yogurt. Just make absolutely sure that when you're choosing a jar or squeezable tube off the shelf, you check the ingredients list to ensure the honey is 100% raw and free of additives.
If you're stumped about which kind of honey to covet (because, be warned — there are a ton of jars on the shelf to choose from), Corey Blick, senior vice president of Comvita North America, tells Elite Daily that Manuka honey is a creamy, thick honey that gives off a stronger, more potent taste. "Because of this, people love adding it on their tea, toast, in yogurt, in a superfood smoothie, or simply enjoying a daily spoonful as part of a daily health routine," he says.
Fish for breakfast might sound unconventional, but have you ever tasted cream cheese and lox on an everything bagel? It's a total game-changer.
Smoked salmon is obviously bae, but according to Rima Kleiner, MS, RD, salmon prepared however which way you like will yield the same benefit: a whole lot of energy — and there's nothing fishy about it. "Chock-full of nutrients, salmon is a food that contributes to many positive health benefits, including energy levels, thanks to B vitamins, particularly B12 which may help boost energy and fight fatigue naturally," Kleiner told Eat This, Not That! back in August of 2018.
So consider skipping the bacon for your next breakfast. Salmon and eggs, anyone?
Eggs are always a staple breakfast food in my house. Scrambled, over-medium, sunny-side up — I'll eat eggs in any form for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Lucky for me, according to Amanda Henham, BHSc, nutritional medicine, eggs are so rich in protein and B vitamins that not only are these babies an excellent source of nutrition, but they're also swarming with B vitamins.
What do B vitamins have to do with energy, might you ask? Great question. Henham tells Elite Daily that B vitamins are essential for your enzymes to function properly, and when your enzymes are in tip-top shape, your body is able to break down food into energy more efficiently. Basically, eggs are the real MVP — so eat up!
During an exclusive interview with Elite Daily, Gabby Geerts, registered dietitian at Green Chef, explains that oats are full of a unique fiber called oat beta-glucan (Fancy, huh?) that have been linked to reduced cholesterol levels and increased fullness. Because of this, Geerts says oats trump most cereals, and because they contain a slew of antioxidants, they even help protect your cardiovascular health.
"Preparing the oats with milk will increase protein content since oats are not a significant source by themselves," she continues. But overall, the dish is an excellent choice for sustainable energy throughout the morning.
Not a fan of oats? No worries! What about quinoa?
Henham tells Elite Daily that because quinoa is an excellent source of nutrients like manganese, folate, magnesium, and has a low glycemic index, a serving of this pseudo-cereal grain can help "regulate blood sugar levels for energy maintenance throughout the day."
I know, I know, quinoa is typically associated with dinner foods. But according to Alyssa, the blogger mastermind behind Simply Quinoa, there's plenty you can do with quinoa to satisfy your tastebuds.
06Greek Yogurt
If you're on a major time crunch in the morning, a grab-and-go carton of Greek yogurt is an awesome way to stay on top of your healthy breakfast game. According to Geerts, Greek yogurt is especially great because it's a healthy source of carbohydrates, fat, and protein, making each bite well-balanced and incredibly satiating for your body as a whole.
Plus, yogurt is "a blank canvas" you can build on to create a more complex meal if desired, she says. "Nuts, seeds, and fruit can all be incorporated into yogurt for an even more fulfilling snack" that will keep you full and energized until lunch.
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