6 Fun & Unique Ways To Celebrate Your Partner’s Birthday For The First Time, Together
If your partner's birthday is approaching, you may be thinking about what activity to plan, what you should get them, and how to craft the perfect birthday shoutout for them on social media. If you've been together for a while, then you're probably a pro at planning their birthday festivities by now. But if your relationship is relatively new and you're celebrating their birthday together for the first time, chances are you're mildly stressed about what to do for them. Well, these fun ways to celebrate your partner's birthday can give you an idea of what to plan if you want to make your first birthday together a memorable one.
It's important to note, however, that whatever you plan for your partner's birthday, they will love. You don't need to go over the top to plan something that's perfect (or your idea of "perfect") because you feel like you have to. Listen to your partner in the weeks leading up to their birthday. Pay attention to what they say they want to do (or not do) and put it into action. If they don't mention anything in particular, then consider one of these six fun ways to celebrate their first birthday, together.
01Plan a surprise party.
Unless you know for a fact your partner hates surprises, planning a surprise party for bae can be a great way to celebrate them. Invite their closest friends and family, have their favorite food and drinks, and maybe even prep some games you know they like.
02Prepare their favorite meal...
Even if you and your partner have only been together for a short amount of time, chances are you have an idea of what their favorite meal is. If you and bae decide on a low-key night in to celebrate their birthday, cooking their favorite meal is a perfect way to do it. And if you want to make it extra fun, cook it while only wearing an apron. (Or nothing.)
03...or take them to their favorite restaurant.
Maybe cooking isn't really your thing, or your partner's favorite meal is a little too complex for you to successfully make at home. Either way, if you'd rather not cook, taking them to their favorite restaurant can be just as fun. Let bae know they can get whatever they would normally get, and it's your treat.
04Organize a scavenger hunt.
Scavenger hunts can be really fun, especially if bae is one of those people who loves a challenge. All you have to do is put together a set of clues that your partner will be able to follow and set up something at the end as a prize. What your partner finds at the end of the scavenger hunt is up to you. It could be you, or something they've been wanting to get or do, or a ticket to somewhere they've been wanting to go. The possibilities are endless here!
05Road trip!
If you and your partner have talked about wanting to visit a theme park a couple of hours away or exploring the town over for months, do it for bae's birthday! Pack your bags and go, instead of just talking about wanting to go. Have yourselves a nice little weekend elsewhere and be tourists for a couple of days. If you want to add a bit of mystery, don't tell your partner where you're going. Give them a list of clothes to pack, and surprise them.
06Plan a naughty night.
If you want to do something really ~fun~ for bae's birthday, plan a night dedicated to all their sexual fantasies. (The ones you would feel comfortable doing, of course.) Or pick up a lingerie set, if you'd rather keep it more low-key. You don't, by any means, have to do something you're uncomfortable with, but embracing your more sexually adventurous side to celebrate your boo's happy, happy birthday can be fun.
So, whether you plan something low-key and intimate or go all out and plan a surprise party for your partner, know that whatever you do will be amazing. Your partner is going to love it simply because it comes from you, so don't stress!