6 Moments From 'Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants' That Made Us All Want To Be Part Of The Girl Squad
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants girl squad is the definition of friendship goals. We all wished we could be besties with Carmen, Tibby, Bridget, and Lena while watching the movie. Just seeing these four girls be there for each other over and over again made us long for that kind of epic girl squad in our own lives. The first movie brought on a pretty dramatic summer for each girl, but they made it through with their friends and those special pants by their side. There were several moments from The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants that made us want to jump through the screen and chill with these lovely ladies.
Maybe you're blessed with an undeniably special girl crew who is just like the sisterhood IRL, and during these seven moments you thought to yourself, "Same." No matter what, we're all very envious of the powerful bond these four women have with each other throughout the movie. I mean, it even started at birth when their mothers met in a prenatal exercise class, and gave birth within the same week. If that's not the fates saying these four ladies should be together forever, then I don't know what is.
The bond we see in the movie is totally real since Alexis Bledel, Amber Tamblyn, America Ferrera, and Blake Lively still seemed to remain friends even after the Sisterhood movies came out. Whether you have a special crew very similar to the sisterhood, or you don't, we all were wishing we could fit into those magical pants and be a part of this solid group of girls.
01When They Discovered The Magical Pair Of Pants
This was the very first moment this group of amazing ladies actually became the sisterhood of the traveling pants. It was a miracle that one pair of pants fit all four of them perfectly, but it did. Not only was this scene a magical one, but it also made us want to try on the pants for ourselves.
02When They Had The Pants Ritual
We all want a special hangout spot that's unique to our friends. The sisterhood's hangout spot was where they all met for the first time... well, sort of. They met up at the prenatal studio where their mothers first met when they were pregnant. It's where Carmen, Tibby, Bridget, and Lena held the infamous pants ritual, surrounded by candles.
03When They Were There For Carmen During Her Dad's Wedding
Carmen's biggest struggle was watching her dad move on with a new family. Even though she didn't want to attend his wedding, the sisterhood was there to push her to do what was right. They all traveled with Carmen to the wedding to support their bestie, proving distance truly doesn't matter when helping out a friend in need.
04When They All Showed Up To Meet Lena At The Airport
The first thing you naturally want to do when you come home from being away all summer is see your friends, and that is exactly what happened for Lena. Her friends were right there to greet her at the airport. They were only away for a bit, but how excited they got upon seeing each other again was like they had been away for years.
05Every Time They Were There For Bridget
When Bridget was upset, Carmen and Tibby immediately came over her house to comfort her. How dedicated these girls were to being there for each other (even during the greatest times) makes us all totally jealous.
06Every Time One Of Them Got The Pants In The Mail
It seemed like the pants always came at the right time, and every time they showed up, it brightened the entire day. It was like a reminder that even though theses friends were miles upon miles apart, they were always there in spirit (aka, in pants form). It was a special way for them to keep in touch over the summer.