6 Best Things To Do Alone When You're Looking To Meet New People

by Rachel Chapman
Lucas Ottone, Stocksy

The struggle can be so real when it comes to making new friends. It used to be easy in grade school. You could just walk up to a girl at recess, tell her you loved her butterfly clips, offer her some of your Fruit Gushers, and then you'd become instant BFFs. Nowadays, it's hard enough juggling work and finding time to get all of your chores done around the apartment, that making new friends seems close to impossible. It's especially difficult when you move to a new city, because you're starting from scratch. But don't fret, because there are actually a few things to do alone when you want to meet people.

First things first: Finding some solid ground to start on always makes it easier to carry a convo with a potential new friend. When I first moved to L.A., I had two good friends in town, but I wanted to expand my social circle. I pushed myself to get out there, and now, I have a solid squad I can always turn to.

Looking at my friend group, I actually met them through some kind of hobby I started in my adulthood. So, even though it may seem like quite the task, finding new friends in your 20s is actually pretty easy. If you're looking for a good place to start, I suggest checking out any of these sic activities.

01Going On A Rejuvenating Yoga Retreat


For anyone who's a yoga fanatic, you've definitely thought about taking your enthusiasm up a notch by attending a cool yoga retreat (if you haven't already). Each day will be filled with pure relaxation, meditation, delicious farm-to-table meals, and bonding with the other passionate yogis on the retreat.

02Taking An Improv Comedy Class


I actually met most of my friends through comedy. Who knew that a random, spur of the moment decision to sign up for an improv 101 class in New York City would lead me to finding some of my best friends. I thank the improv gods — aka Amy Poehler — for inspiring me.

Believe me, I know first-hand that getting up on stage can be scary AF. It's less intimidating knowing that everyone in your class has got your back, and you're all just having fun and sharing laughs together.

03Check Out A Unique Fitness Class You've Been Eyeing On Insta


There are a ton of new fitness classes I've seen on Instagram that I keep telling myself I should check out — things like goat yoga, trampoline classes, Lyra, and even cardio hip hop. You never know, your future BFF could be waiting for you in an aerial silks class.

04Attend A Work-Related Happy Hour


If you moved to a new city for your job, your easiest way to connect with new people is through work. Sometimes, it can be difficult breaking down that working relationship into a friendship, but that's what social events and work happy hours are for!

Get some of your coworkers together for a happy hour. You can stop talking about meetings and deadlines, and instead get to know each other.

05Volunteer At A Local Animal Shelter For The Cutest Kind Of Fun


You had me at cute animals. Who wouldn't want to spend their weekend hanging with the sweetest cats and dogs who would truly appreciate your love? Along with getting to know a few new furry friends, you'll also get to know other volunteers who could turn into lifelong friends. If anything, you're sure to a pawsitively awesome day volunteering your time.

06Join A Rec Team


If you played sports in high school, that's probably where you made a lot of your friends. You may not be in school anymore, but that doesn't mean you can't still have fun and play ball. In fact, there are a ton of adult rec leagues in communities across the United States, including ZogSports, New York City Social, Chicago Sport and Social Club, and more. Not only do they have basketball leagues, but you could also join a dodgeball, bowling, softball, kickball, or soccer team.