7 Perfect Places To Travel Solo This Fall If You're Still Getting Over A Summer Fling
by Marisa Casciano

Like Danny and Sandy sand in Grease, "Summer lovin' happened so fast." One second you were on the beach with your new bae, soaking up the sun and sweet moments of romance. You watched the sunset together, and picked out the constellations in the sky. You took Polaroid pictures and told stories from your days at summer camp. What didn't cross your mind was that this fling might not last forever. Those vacation months came to a close, and you both headed on home or back to school. Now, you need a new adventure in one of the best places to travel alone this fall.

Here's the plan: Put all of that leftover passion into your passport. (You already know that you won't regret it.) Instead of dwelling on your summer fling, go out and discover remote corners of the world. Kiss a cone of strawberry gelato and hold hands with a camera that's quite possibly the best travel buddy you'll ever find. Get the picture?

Truth is, hopping on planes and exploring the planet can be incredibly therapeutic. It reminds you that life is constantly in a state of change, and that there's always something more to see, do, and experience. Sure, you can put on those old Taylor Swift songs and let yourself have a good cry. But then, pack a suitcase and take a solo trip to one of these seven places that will bring a different kind of love into your life.

01Split, Croatia

marisataylor24 on Instagram

Falling in love comes in all different forms. It can be between two people, or a person and a place. Even that adrenaline rush you get every morning when you're brewing your favorite cup of coffee and feeling content can be considered "love."

Traveling is the same way, and I uncovered my passion for passports and new panoramic views in Croatia — particularly, the city of Split. From the pebble beaches, to the beautiful waterfalls and friendly people, I was completely head over heels. My best friend and I spent afternoons roaming ancient palaces and islands that were just an hour or so off the shore. Long story short: You have to sign yourself up for this trip, too.

02Rome, Italy

Katarina Radovic/Stocksy

On my latest trip, I was scrolling through movies on the plane and found Eat Pray Love. The story of this film goes: Elizabeth Gilbert, played by Julia Roberts, is newly divorced and looking to find love, happiness, and herself. So, she sets out in the world and travels for a year. The first place she heads to is Rome.

This city is packed with tourists on most days. But, it's also rich with history and homemade sauce that's tastefully spread on a pizza. During the day, you can explore the Colosseum and all of the Roman Ruins, and then strike up a conversation with another solo traveler over a cappuccino.

When all is said and done, you'll come home feeling refreshed, cultured, and romanticized. Italy will teach you to fall in love with the little things in life, like a sprig of fresh basil on the perfect plate of spaghetti.

03Bali, Indonesia

Leander Nardin/Stocksy

What do you know about Bali? Odds are, you've heard of this dreamy place at least once, thanks to your favorite travel bloggers on Instagram. They've been swinging over the rice fields, and hanging with the monkeys in the tropical forests. Now, it's your turn to buy a ticket to paradise.

After all, there's nothing quite like fresh fruit and palm trees to revive your soul. In the morning, you may participate in meditation or a yoga class on the beach. You might talk with some of the locals, and learn their valuable lessons about life and love. New places come with new perspectives on just about everything, and you might find some peace of mind when it comes to your summer fling.

04Costa Rica

Francesca Truter/Stocksy

If you don't want to travel halfway across the world to a place like Bali, then Costa Rica is meant for you. This place has all the serenity and good vibes that you need after leaving behind your summer fling — just without the long plane ride.

There are palm trees and teal waves everywhere you look, and jungles where you can go zip-lining. You may see some wild horses on the beach, or other wildlife if you decide to go on a guided tour through the waterfalls and hiking trails. I've found that the cure for just about any sadness or melancholy feeling is adventure. So, just get out in the world, OK?

05Paris, France

Daniel Kim Photography/Stocksy

Girl, you have to believe in love again. When any relationship comes to close, whether it's good or bad, you can be left with a bad taste in your mouth. You swear that the romantic comedies and happily ever afters are a lie, and sarcastically use the hashtag #foreveralone. Stop that right now, and pack your bags for a solo trip to Paris.

This place is known as the "City of Love." So, it's only natural that you'll fall head over heels for something during your travels. Maybe it'll be the Eiffel Tower, or the picturesque balconies on every street corner. You'll inevitably catch feelings for the few croissants you had for breakfast that morning. Just like that, you're having a fling with life and the world itself.

06Reykjavik, Iceland

Taylor Kampa/Stocksy

Dealing with a breakup can be the worst. But, everything you feel and experience is part of life and its beauty — even the moments that aren't as sweet as having a s'more by the bonfire with your significant other. Every mountain of emotion is just leading to something bigger and better. You just have to keep moving forward.

No place on this planet will teach you this lesson better than Reykjavik, Iceland. You might stay in a cute millennial-pink Airbnb in the city, and then venture out to the waterfalls and glaciers. You'll climb to the top and feel like you can conquer anything in this world. Problems? Solved.

07Great Ocean Road, Australia

Mauro Grigollo/Stocksy

Taking a drive down the Pacific Coast Highway in a camper van with a bunch of friends or my significant other has always been on my bucket list. But, that iconic drive down the cliff sides of California has some serious competition when it comes to Great Ocean Road.

Located on the southwest coast of Victoria, Australia, this trek is full of otherworldly views and spots that will make you say, "wow." You'll see the Twelve Apostles and maybe take a guided walk to experience the wonder by foot, instead of just from the window of a car. You may even stop at the beach for a few more seconds of summer. Can you feel the love from the world? It's out there — pinky promise.