7 Fun Things To Do Thanksgiving Weekend When Reuniting With Your Hometown Bests
Heading home for the holidays typically means two things: home-cooked meals from your mom, and reuniting with some of your best friends. Honestly, between the two, you don't know what's better. You've been looking forward to that bowl of mashed potatoes made with your family's secret recipe since this past summer. But, you also haven't seen your hometown friends since the beginning of the semester — or maybe even this time last year. You know how the reunion is going to go. There will be lots of hugs and celebratory squeals, and ideas of fun things to do Thanksgiving weekend. Don't just let those ideas pass you by, though, because they're going to make for a weekend well-spent with your bests.
It's not too often that you all are in one place. Somebody in your crew is always traveling, while the other is working, or visiting family in another state. Some years, you don't even come home for the holidays, and others you're too busy catching up with your siblings to make any other plans. So, this time around, it's pretty special.
You and your hometown bests will spend some quality time together, and reminisce about the days of high school. Together, you're going to laugh at the embarrassing moments you've had, and the ones that are still to come. Amongst all the reuniting, plan to do one of these seven fun things this Thanksgiving weekend.
01Get Started On Your Christmas Shopping
Thanksgiving weekend is the unofficial (yet, so official) start of the winter holiday season. That means the stores are dropping their biggest steals and deals of the year, and that you can get a solid start on your Christmas shopping.
Although facing the crowds and traffic around the mall might not be your first choice, it makes for quite the fun activity for you and your hometown bests. Like that iconic line in High School Musical: "We're all in this together." Scoping out cute gifts and cozy sweaters will be better with your buddies by your side.
02Go Ice Skating At Your Local Park Or Rink
Full disclosure: I'm terrible at ice skating, but that doesn't stop me from going every single year with my best friends. You'll see me holding onto the wall every step of the way, with a huge smile on my face. (Despite not going very far on the ice, I'm having such a good time.)
That's why you and your hometown bests should give this sport a try this Thanksgiving weekend. Head to your local park or rink, rent a pair of skates, and do some tricks if you can. When all is said and done, go out for hot chocolate or coffee, and be sure to bundle up in the coziest scarves and sweaters.
03Have A Photo Shoot At A Christmas Tree Farm
Having a photo shoot with your best friends is just #necessary when you're all together. It's the rule of social media, right? (Well, not entirely. Social media is truly whatever you want to make of it.) But, either way, it can be a fun activity for you and your hometown bests.
First things first: You'll want to check out a Christmas tree farm and prep your camera roll. The evergreens will make the most beautiful backdrop, and having extra space on your phone is always a good idea for those festive selfies. Bundle up in your blanket scarves, and then say cheese!
04Bring Board Games To A Brewery
Those who are 21 or over may want to explore a bit outside of their hometown this Thanksgiving weekend, and taste some new brews. Truth is, you're getting tired of the usual scenes and waiting in line for a pretzel at the same 'ole places. (Seriously, what gives?)
So, that's when you gather up your girls and a bunch of board games, and hit the road to a brewery. You can spend an entire afternoon talking over a pale ale, and playing endless rounds of "Candy Land." Then, when you get hungry, grab a yummy snack from the food truck that's likely sitting right outside.
05Look At Your High School Yearbooks
Looking at your high school yearbooks might be pretty cringeworthy when you're by yourself. But, when you're hanging with your hometown bests, it makes for a good time.
Each one of you likely has the same book, but filled with different messages and memories inside. Together, you can go through the photos and pick out the candids of your crew. You might think to yourself, "What was I thinking with those earrings and that dress?" As much as you love these people right now, and forever, you're happy that you grew up and are making new memories.
06Host A Hot Chocolate Party
OK, you've heard of pasta parties and pizza parties. But, you and your crew want to do something different this Thanksgiving weekend. That's totally fair. So, please welcome the best thing on your to-do list: a hot chocolate party!
When all of the family dinners are said and done, you and your bests will probably want something sweet. (The pumpkin and apple pies just weren't enough!) Simply send a text in the group chat, telling everyone to bring a mug. Then, stop at the store and pick up the essentials like whipped cream, chocolate sprinkles, and hot cocoa packs.
Invite everyone over to make elaborate creations in their mug, and watch a bunch of movies. Now, that's my kind of night.
07Make Another Thanksgiving Meal
If you and your hometown bests aren't tired of the mashed potatoes and gravy quite yet, then make another Thanksgiving meal this weekend. Everyone can pile up in your car, go the grocery store, and pick up a turkey and a few yams. Don't forget about the dinner rolls, too!
To truly spice up this activity, consider making it into a themed party, based off of your favorite sitcom. For example, I hosted a Friends-inspired Friendsgiving with my besties, and it went off without a hitch. After all, those Thanksgiving episodes are always the most iconic ones, in my personal opinion.
Just like that, you and your hometown bests will be reuniting and having a weekend you'll never forget. Now, can somebody pass the cranberry sauce? Thanks!