You Need These Quick Ways To Save Money For Your Vacay
You've been waiting for what feels like forever for your vacation to get here. You might have a countdown going strong, and you're crossing off the days on your calendar. Now that it's fast-approaching, you're in panic mode to make sure you're totally ready to hit the road. You saved up a lot of money in order to go on your trip, but it's not just about paying for it. You want to make sure you have extra spending money for souvenirs, experiences, and food. That's why you need some last-minute ways to save money for vacation.
I get way too hyped about big trips, and I definitely don't have the patience to remain calm. That's why I usually put off thinking about vacations until the very last second. That's only a problem when I quickly realize I need to start saving money ASAP.
If you're in the same boat as me, these seven money-saving tips and tricks will help you out. It may seem like small savings here and there, but by the time you're hopping on the plane or driving off, you might have all the money you need to pay for any fun surprises that come your way.
01Make Your Coffee At Home Rather Than Going To Your Local Spot
When you have a favorite café, your coffee machine at home ends up collecting dust. I understand the pure excitement of grabbing a warm vanilla chai latte on your way to the office, but for the sake of your upcoming vacation, it's time to save in the bank and make your brew at home.
02Avoid Ordering Takeout As Much As Possible
It's a lot easier ordering takeout than spending time in the kitchen after a long day in the office, but those fees can add up real quick. Use your final weeks before vacation brushing up on your cooking skills.
03Opt For A Night In With Your Friends Instead Of Going Out
When your friends want to hang out on a Friday night, suggest fun activities you can do at home. You don't want to be tempted by the Insta-worthy (but super expensive) drinks at the bar, or going to a fancy restaurant and having to split the bill. Save your wallet from cringing.
04Watch Movies On A Streaming Service Rather Than Going To The Theater
There may be a movie in the theater you really want to see, but ticket costs are no joke. Just think of it this way, there's one movie you want to see in the theater, but so many classics you can stream from the comforts of your couch.
05Go Grocery Shopping With A List To Prevent Overspending
I've been grocery shopping without a list before, and I ended up picking out everything I saw on the shelves that caught my eye. Don't even get me started on shopping while being hungry — your bill will be way too much. Instead, always go grocery shopping with a strict list, so you don't go overboard and spend too much.
06Become A Deal Queen With Coupons And Sales
Becoming a coupon queen doesn't mean you have to go to extreme couponing levels. It just means looking out for a few good deals.
I personally love using Rakuten for online shopping to get cash back. By installing its button, coupons are automatically applied, so you don't really have to do much fishing around at all. Coupons.com is also a great resource to find printable and digital coupons to use.
07Give Yourself A Weekly Spending Budget
Figure out how much you need to spend each week leading up to your vacation, in order to save up. I like to use the budget tracking app Mint to calculate how much I should spend on a weekly basis. It helped me save so much, and honestly makes me feel like a real adult.
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