7 Poems About Love You'll Want To Send Your Partner Right Now
I really don't care for romantic comedies. I realize they're supposed to totally be my jam — or so advertisers keep telling me — but I'm just not interested. However, if you take rom-com plots and put them in period settings, suddenly I am all in. North & South is my jam. Sure, I love the gorgeous costumes and lush settings, but between you and I, I also just love the old-fashioned romance, which seems to be a lost art. But by having a few love poems to send your partner, you can resurrect it and infuse a little traditional romance into your relationship — through modern technology.
The beauty of sharing poetry with your partner is that poems are often able to express the powerful and abstract emotions we feel but don't always have the words to accurately convey. So if sending love poems sounds like something you'd like to do, but you don't know where to start, no worries; I've gathered a few to get you going. These are perfect poems to send your lover that will make them swoon but won't make you feel corny. In other words, nothing too flowery — just powerful and passionate prose to let the one you love really know exactly what's in your heart.
01For when you’re feeling romantic.
When you appeared it was as if
magnets cleared the air.
I had never seen that smile before
or your hair, flying silver. Someone
waving goodbye, she was silver, too.
Of course you didn’t see me.
I called softly so you could choose
not to answer—then called again.
You turned in the light, your eyes
seeking your name.
02Something a little more suggestive.
Wild nights - Wild nights!
Were I with thee
Wild nights should be
Our luxury!
Futile - the winds -
To a Heart in port -
Done with the Compass -
Done with the Chart!
Rowing in Eden -
Ah - the Sea!
Might I but moor - tonight -
In thee!
03Something super sexy.
When the apocalypse does come,
I will rebuild our city with my tongue.
I will suck this world’s ashes from your fingers.
I will refuse to let the fires of this hell
be the only thing that makes us sweat.
When the apocalypse comes,
so will we.
04To bridge the gap on a long-distance love.
They sat far apart deliberately, to experience, daily, the sweetness of seeing each other across great distance.
05Share what is sincerely in your heart.
But I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters,
until they found me.
— From Your Feet by Pablo Neruda
06It’s OK to get a little mushy, too.
because you’re psychic
no one else could understand me
the way you
do and
I say
Drink Me
I say it to you silently
but it calls forth in me
the water for you
the water you asked for
07When in doubt, make them laugh.
Roses are red, violets are blue, I suck at poetry, so just be mine.
— Unknown
See? Sending poems doesn’t have to be cheesy. It can actually be really romantic and sweet. Who knows? Maybe this will actually inspire you to write some poetry of your own, or inspire your partner to open up and share what's really in their heart, too.
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