7 Reasons Why Life Is So Much More Fun In Your 20s When You Have A Sister
Your 20s is a really formative period of your life. You may be going through a ton of changes, including graduating college, moving to a new city, starting a new relationship, or maybe even getting married and starting a family. But despite all of these changes, one thing remains constant: The love and support you receive from your sister. She's a huge light in your life, and there are so many meaningful things you do with your sister in your 20s that make this decade of change a whole lot better.
Your sister is one of the best people you can have in your life in your 20s. She's there to keep all of your secrets and give you advice on whatever you're dealing with, and she never hesitates to offer up some pieces from her wardrobe or makeup collection for you to borrow (ahem — steal). You always look forward to the days when the two of you can hang out together on your own, and you live for all of the times when you can finally dish out all of the gossip that you've been storing up for a wine night with her.
Though you might be going through a lot of change in your 20s, you know that you can always count on having your sister by your side through it all. Here are just a few of the things that the two of you love to do together.
01You Share All Of Your Secrets With Her
In your 20s, you need people in your corner whom you can truly trust, and your sister is definitely one of those people. You've known her for most or all of your life, and she's someone you can always depend on to keep your secrets.
Whether you're about to ask out someone you really like, or have plans to surprise your BFF for their birthday, your sis can keep all of your secrets when you feel like you can't keep them to yourself.
02You Regularly Swap Your Clothes And Makeup With Things From Her Stash
What are sisters for if not to steal things from each others' closets and vanities? Even though the two of you are totally different people, your sisterhood means that your sense of style is inherently linked somehow, and now that you're in your 20s, you're likely more game to share than you were when you were younger.
03She's One Of The First People You Tell About Your New Crushes
There's nothing like the magic of a new crush and all the butterflies that come with it. When you want to share the news and dish on all of the details, your sister is one of the first people you turn to. She's always there to confirm how cute your crush is, and she never hesitates to tell you to go for it.
04You Take Sister Days To Have Fun With Each Other
Now that the two of your are older, you voluntarily take time to have fun together, and you look forward to days when the two of you can catch up in a totally fun setting. My sis and I love taking sister days to go to Disney World together when I'm home, and those days with just the two of us (or the two of us with her 2-year-old daughter) are some of the highlights of my 20s so far.
05The Two Of You Can Gossip Like You're Still In High School
No matter how old you are, you and your sister can always gossip together like you're still in high school. You can pull each other aside during giant family reunions to chat about your uncle's new haircut or the aunt who's asking all the pressing relationship questions, or even text each other when you see the same buzz-worthy status update on Facebook. It never gets tiresome sharing those little moments with each other.
06You Prepare Each Other For Different Parts Of Adulthood
Being an adult means that you may deal with some transitional struggles. While my sister is eight years older than me, I've learned a ton from her about adulting — like buying a house, paying bills on time, and having a baby — but she regularly asks me for makeup advice, and I feel honored that she turns to me for help even though I'm younger.
07She's The First Person You Turn To For Advice (And Vice Versa)
Even if your sister isn't older than you, she always knows exactly the right thing to say when you're in a pickle (and vice versa). She's an amazing and helpful voice of reason when you're struggling with something, and you can always count on her to give you sage advice.