7 Super Bowl Proposals That'll Melt Your Heart & Pump You Up For Sunday
I've never been much of a football fan, so most of what is happening flies below my radar. But there is one game that I never miss, and that is, of course, the Super Bowl. That's because this game isn't just about football; it's about all the traditions that come with it: the parties, the food, the epic commercials. Even if you're not particularly stoked about either of the teams heading to the field this year (or any football team in general), there is one other tradition we can all be a fan of, and that’s Super Bowl proposals.
Maybe on paper a Super Bowl proposal sounds way too corny, but in practice, they are actually pretty amazing events. Emotions are running high, people are surrounded by their loved ones (either friends and family or fellow fans), and everyone's cheering. So really, if you think about it, what better time to pop the question? That's why, every year, some lucky folks out there end up dropping down to one knee during halftime or during the post-game victory glow. If that still doesn’t sound romantic to you, the following videos are sure to sway you. Just make sure to grab a Kleenex before hitting play, because you're about to be feeling all the feels.
1. This Is How To Take A Knee On The Field
After the Patriots beat the Falcons in Super Bowl LI, this Pats fan took the opportunity for a more personal win by popping the question right there on the field. Come on, you know this is adorable.
2. Even Players Get In On The Romantic Action
It's not just the fans taking advantage of all the excitement to propose. After beating the Patriots in Super Bowl XLVI, New York Giants player Greg Jones racked up another win by surprising his girlfriend with a proposal on the field.
3. Best Halftime Commercial Ever
For this New York couple, the best part of the game was definitely the commercials. Nick entered a drawing at a local jewelry store to propose during the Super Bowl and won. It doesn't get much more epic than that.
4. This Guy Knows How To Keep A Promise
At the beginning of the season, when things weren't looking so good for the Pats, Nick promised that if they won the Super Bowl that year, Sarah would get a ring, too. The Pats made a miraculous comeback that season, and Nick kept his word. Also, the dudes running by at the end are everything.
5. Love Is In And On The Air
Most Super Bowl proposals happen after the game, but this guy couldn't wait. He popped the question live on the radio, his partner said yes, and the crowd went wild. How can you not root for this team?
6. This Guy Pops The Question Like A Saint
When this guy promised that he would propose when the Saints won the Super Bowl, he thought it would never happen — but it did and so did his proposal. I can't tell if he's more amazed that his team won or that he's actually getting married.
7. The Best Love Song Ever
During halftime, this couple skipped the show and put on one of their own: a little love song that ends with a proposal. I'm not crying, you're crying! Shut up.
So, are you convinced? Are Super Bowl proposals the best part of the game? I mean, since Beyoncé isn't performing this year, obviously they are. Don't judge, because who knows? Maybe this year you'll find yourself faced with someone on their knee during halftime. Anything can happen — it’s the Super Bowl after all!
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