7 Things That Are Keeping You In Your Hometown When You Really Want To Get Out
Your hometown will always be your birthplace, but you can't deny that urge to call a new and exciting city your home. You're only human, and your mind is constantly wandering beyond the borders of your same old town and imagining your life elsewhere. You by no means have to stay in the same place forever. And if it weren't for a few things that are keeping you in your hometown, you'd be on the next plane ride to your dream city.
Your hometown will always hold a special place in your heart. You've spent your entire life there, made a crew of dope friends, and know the area like the back of your hand. But, it's time to spread your wings, because if you don't, you'll start resenting the place that holds so many of your unforgettable memories since childhood.
Don't let the idea of permanence deter you from getting out,either. You're giving a different place a try, and that doesn't have to be the last say. If you like it, you stay. If you don't, home is always waiting with open arms, and you can regroup and decide where you're off to next. You have to be willing to hit or miss when it comes to finally leaving your hometown. Just know, these seven things might stump you, but don't let them be the reason why you don't pack your bags and hit the road.
01Being Afraid You Won't Fit In Someplace New
First off, the aim should never be to fit in anywhere. If you're worried about not knowing the ins and outs of a new place, that comes with time. In most places, locals love to meet new people, because they get to show you around, and you see and appreciate their city with a fresh perspective.
02The Thought Of Having To Make All New Friends
Your hometown besties will be your BFFs forever. Making new friends in a new place can be a tad scary, but you will meet people before you know it. Whether it's at a coffee shop, your new apartment complex, or work, the opportunity for friendship is everywhere. Besides, you're awesome. Who wouldn't want to befriend such a gem?
03The Cost Of Living In Your Dream City
OK, The Big Apple might be at the top of your places to live, but the price to reside there isn't so appealing. If you have the dream, though, you definitely have the power to make it happen. Money is going to come and go, but your dreams aren't going anywhere until you fulfill them.
04Not Wanting To Be Too Far Away From Your Parents
If you've never lived away from your parents, the idea of being far away from them makes you pretty nervous. They're your parents, and you're used to being able to walk down the hall to talk to them or ask for their help. But the amazing thing about parents is that their support and love for you doesn't have distance restrictions.
05Uncertainty About How To Plan For It
How do you plan for a move that you've never done before? You just go for it! The more you let the idea of planning, without attempting to plan, sit in your head, it's going to get complicated and stressful. You aren't going to get everything right, but every little effort counts.
06You're Not Sure If It's The "Right" Move
What does "right" even mean? Will this move feed your wanderlust and give you a chance to shape the life you really want? Then, it is totally the right move for you in this chapter of your life. The only wrong move is staying in a place you've outgrown when you know you need to be elsewhere.
07You Don't Entirely Know What You Want To Do In The New City
Are you a fresh post-grad who is not only indecisive, but still in a hometown you want to leave? You still have time to determine what you want to do professionally, and it doesn't have to be your dream job right out of college. Fulfill one dream — aka, your city — and you'll be so overjoyed by that accomplishment, your heart will be set on crossing off even more dream items off of your bucket list.
Nine times out of 10, your dream city isn't going to be the place you were born in. Home will always be where part of your heart is, even if you aren't there with it.