7 Times To Put Yourself First In Your 20s, So You Can Live Your Best Life
Girl, it's time you started thinking about yourself. Up until now, you've been pretty generous with your time and energy. You've stepped up when your bestie really needed you, and maybe put your own passions aside to help someone else with a problem. You might have made somebody else's happiness a priority, even though it was entirely out of your control. Odds are, you're feeling quite exhausted, and realizing that something has to change ASAP. I've found there are times to put yourself first in your 20s, so that you can live your best life.
The second you start putting yourself first, you're going to feel selfish. Especially if you're one of those people who tends to care too much, it's going to feel unnatural and maybe like you're being a bad friend. The people in your life will probably be thrown off that, for once, you're taking some time to yourself. As long as you're not hurting anyone's feelings or being harsh about it, you're in the clear.
It's important to focus on yourself, especially in your 20s, when life is such a whirlwind. You'll find you can be a better friend and overall person, after you've done some soul-searching. Your life is completely up to you to create, but it's all about the energy you put into it. Living your best life is possible, assuming you put yourself first in during these seven situations.
01When You Feel Confused
In your 20s, you're probably going to feel confused. You may be unsure of what career path you want to take, or will doubt your dreams. During those times, though, you should put yourself first. Everybody will share their opinions and try to figure out your path, but you have to create your own happiness and find the road less traveled on your own. Rely on your friends and family for support and encouragement, but don't settle for a life that somebody else came up with. It's your life to live, not theirs.
02When You Fall In Love
When you're falling in love, please don't forget about yourself. Sometimes, you can easily lose parts of your world to another person. You spend every second with them, and get totally wrapped up in their dreams and personality. It's intense and beautiful in a lot of ways, but you should realize that it's OK to choose yourself while you're in a relationship.
Focusing on yourself will only make your love story that much sweeter. It'll give you time to reflect and grow as an individual, while you're growing together. Let your significant other inspire you, challenge you, and support you — and vice versa. Then show yourself some of that same love, too.
03When You Figure Out Your Passion
The second you figure out your passion in life, you have to put yourself first. You've found your purpose on this planet, and that's something that people search for their entire lives. I wouldn't necessarily say it's rare, but when you're young and know what you want, it is really special.
Now more than ever, you have the time and energy to make it happen and completely take charge of your life. So, it's OK to put the unnecessary drama and stress aside to focus on what makes you happy.
04When You Need Some Confidence
Confidence comes from within, and when you feel like you're unsure of yourself, it's time to be a little selfish. As you go forward in life, trusting yourself will be essential. You'll be faced with tough decisions, and need to show the world that you believe in yourself. It's natural to have doubts or days when you're feeling insecure. But, use those moments to find your strengths, and put yourself first.
You can handle every curveball that comes your way. Show your people that nothing's going to stop you, not even yourself, by lifting you up and being at the center of your own attention.
05When You Have A Toxic Friendship
Putting yourself first is key when it comes to anything toxic in your life. These are the friendships or relationships that are doing you more harm than good. You're constantly having to prove yourself, or your trust has been shattered over and over again. It's time to think about what would be better for you in the long-run, and then turn those thoughts into actions.
Yes, a lot of emotions can be involved, and it's never easy going through the different stages of a friendship breakup. But, go with your gut and make it clear that this may be healthier for both of you.
06When You Need Life To Slow Down
Sometimes, you just need to hit pause. You've gotten so caught up in everyone else's schedules and what you're supposed to be doing by this time in your 20s. You're constantly running to your next commitment, and trying to be there for all of your friends at the same time. It's exhausting, am I right?
Truth is, you're rushing through life, and the only way to slow down is to put yourself first and get some space. Disconnect from your phone and technology, and make your passions a priority again. People may not necessarily take it well when you're not available every hour of the day, but you can't keep living at such a fast pace.
07When You Are Happy With Your Life
Life has a way of working out. If you're truly happy with the way things are right now, that's spectacular. The stars have aligned, and you've never felt better. You're doing something right, or the universe decided to let you bloom, and that's beautiful in itself.
But, throughout all of the sunshine and sweet moments, don't forget to put yourself first. You deserve to live a life full of happiness and success — and sometimes when you're thriving, people can try and tear you down. Protect your heart and your peace-of-mind, and don't give toxic situations any of your energy. You're trying to live your best life, after all.