8 Halloween-Inspired Pizzas That Pair Perfectly With Your Friday Wine Night
Halloween is on a Tuesday this year, so we're taking every day of the weekend before to celebrate the holiday in some way. That means the Friday wine night you usually have with your besties can be transformed into a Halloween-worthy, spooktacular affair. With a few minor adjustments, your wine night will now be a fright night. You don’t have to get too crazy and over-the-top with the Halloween theme — a festive movie marathon and some super delicious Halloween pizza recipes will do the trick to get you in the spirit.
With a simple nod to the holiday (and let's be honest, whenever pizza is involved), your friends will be on board. Pizza, wine, and a fun Halloween classic like Hocus Pocus or Scream sounds like an amazing time with your squad, amiright? You and your friends can even do all of the decorating yourselves, from the decor, to these eight Halloween pizza tutorials. They’re simple and fun, so everyone can lend a helping hand. Don’t forget to Instagram the outcome, because these pizzas are just so cute you'll want to share your finished masterpieces. So, creep it real with your girls and bring on the boos, because it’s Halloween and we’re going to eat, drink, and be scary.
01Witch’s Fingers Pizza Bites
This tutorial features not one, but four different recipes for fun Halloween pizzas. There's an adorable mummy pizza, a jack-o-lantern pie, and spider pizza bites. Although I have to admit, I love the witch's fingers recipe the best. The bite-size pizzas will make it easier for you and your girls to snack on. I wish I had pepperoni nails, but I definitely would bite them more.
02Sweet Halloween Candy Pizza
If you and your friends aren't looking for something savory, you can totally go for this Halloween candy pizza. Raid the nearest store for all of the discounted Halloween candy. It's a sugar lover's dream come true, and this pizza will pair nicely with a dessert wine.
03Jack-O-Lantern Pepperoni Pizza
Instead of carving pumpkins, you can carve out jack-o-lantern faces in your pepperoni for a Halloween pizza. It's so easy to make, it's like why didn't we think of it in the first place? Of course, the pepperoni slices look like cute little pumpkins.
04Spooky Spider Pizza
Excuse me, there's a spider on my pizza. Just kidding. This pizza pie tutorial is so genius, you can make spiders out of every topping you want on your pizza. And if your friends are vegetarians, you can make black olive or red pepper spiders for your pizza.
05Of Corpse, A Mummy Pizza
This repice has everything you'd ever want in a pizza all wrapped up into one mummy. If your friends are more into calzones, you can make these cheesy Mummy-inspired pizzas. With the leftover dough, you can put together mini pizza bites to snack on as well.
06A Simple And Oh-So-Cute Ghost Pizza
You can take a simple Margherita pizza and turn it into a ghost pizza suitable for Halloween by adding a ghost face on each slice of mozzarella. They're so cute that I almost don't want to eat them. I said "almost," because it doesn't matter how cute my pizza is, I'm going to eat it.
07Spiderweb Pizza
This spiderweb made out of cheese looks seriously mouthwatering. Pretend you're a spider for Halloween by creating your own web of cheese on your friends' pizza. Add in a black olive spider or two to wrap up the presentation.
08Snake Calzone
This is the only snake I would allow to chill in my house, because it's made entirely out of pizza. If you're craving those calzone vibes, here's a snake pizza that you can serve on your wine night. It looks so yummy that you'll be hissing for more.