8 Pieces Of Advice From Moms About Loving Yourself That Will Bring You To Tears
I have a button from the '70s that reads: "Every mother is a working mother" that I wear every single day on my coat. While I don't know from personal experience, the world has shown me that being a mom is tough stuff. In order to raise a child and take on a life that's not your own, one must have an incredibly big heart. Moms are strong, wise, and honestly — they are usually right, even when it kills us to admit it. That's probably why hearing advice from moms about loving yourself is, well, literally everything.
I did not grow up with a rhetoric about loving myself, yet recently, I do feel as if my mom and I have both learned a lot about being yourself. I am grateful to have gotten past my angsty "I hate my mom!" phase. Of course, I'm thankful for growth, therapy, and time — all of which have aided me and allowed me to become more open with my family.
I was proud to ask my mom for her advice on self-love, and I think she was excited to share it. So grab some tissues, because here's my sweet mom, among others, on loving yourself.
01Self-Love Is Standing Up For Others
Let's face it, I've never been very big on getting my nails done or going to a spa. I think self-love is doing work that you enjoy and being an independent person who stands up for those who may not be as fortunate.
—Giselle, 61
02Love Yourself For Who You Are
If I had to do it all over again, my choice would be to not talk about weight and diet and body image to my children, but instead to focus on loving yourself and your body for who you are.
—KT, 55 (This is my mom, and yes, I cried when she said it.)
03Each Day Is New
Each day is a brand new day. Try to be positive and embrace imperfection.
— Sally, 60
04Find Your Pack
It’s so important to find a pack of respectful and supportive women who reflect what is truly there. To find something that you love independently, and learn to let the little sh*t go. If you’re well-loved and cared for by yourself, your partners and your family will be, too.
—Dom*, 34
06Let Yourself Shine
My advice is to have fun in discovering all your unique, amazing gifts. Each one makes you special, even those that others may consider to be bad or different. Let your gifts shine. Don't let others put a dark cloud over your light! Then we can all shine.
— Penny, 58
07Put Yourself First
Loving yourself means caring about yourself and remembering to take care of yourself when you also need to take care of others.
— Stacy*, 26
08Take It Day By Day
If you're feeling down or bad, go buy a new shirt, or plan a nice outfit, or do your hair. If you feel confident, you can shake anything off. Even if you don't feel confident on the inside, when you do on the outside you can take it one day at a time.
— Marsha, 63
Loving yourself means something different to everyone. If you're in the mood to cry, ask your mom, aunt, or any other empowered women around you what self-love means to them. What they say may surprise you and leave you completely ugly-crying.
*Names have been changed.