8 Real Struggles Every 20-Something Deals With On Girls' Night Out
Girls' night out is a must for any crew. It's the one night where you get to catch up with your favorite people, wear the new leather jacket you treated yo' self to, and check out that trendy wine bar downtown. As wonderful as your number one squad is, sometimes your G.N.O. can be a night of struggle after struggle. Luckily, you and your besties can eventually laugh about it all later on. (But let's also be real: There are always a few struggles you deal with on girls' night out).
A perfect night with your friends isn't always as easy as it seems in your throwback Insta pics. There's a lot of planning and prepping involved in the group chat. Even when you think you've planned it all perfectly, there may still be a few obstacles standing in your way. At the end of the day, though, you're hanging with your favorite humans, and that's all that really matters. So, when it comes to these eight struggles, you know them oh-so-well, and they are relatable AF. However, they're not going to stop the fun. Just remember to snap one hell of a #SquadGoals pic in your awesome outfits and have a blast. Also, maybe next week, suggest a girls' night in to even it all out.
01Choosing What Purse To Bring
I don't know about you, but I'm a big purse kind of a girl. I like to be over-prepared for anything that can happen, and that requires having a large bag on me at all times. But when you're going out to the club, you'll want something small, so there's always such a struggle figuring out what purse to bring. Oh, how I wish there were a magical Mary Poppins bag IRL that was small to bring, but held literally everything in my vanity.
02Deciding Where To Go
Picking out where to go is one of the biggest planning obstacles you'll encounter in the group chat. Everyone in your crew has different priorities for girls' night out. Some might want to go to the place with the best music, because they plan to be on the dance floor all night long. The rest of your friends who are broke AF may want to go to the karaoke bar with a cheap menu. Oh, the struggles!
03Figuring Out How You're Getting There
If you all decide to meet up beforehand to get ready and go together, a big struggle comes when it's time to actually peace out. You end up asking a ton of questions like, "How are we getting there? Is someone ordering an Uber XL? Who's going in what car?" Seriously though, can we just teleport?!
04Finding A Place To Stash Your Stuff When You Get There
The first thing you do when you get to the bar or club is claim some prime real estate. This is ideally a comfy spot where you'll pile your jackets, and if people get tired from dancing, they can sit down and chill. It honestly feels like the jungle as you're scoping out a solid place for everyone to settle down and get organized.
05Asking Yourself, "Why TF Did I Wear These Shoes?!"
When you were getting ready with your friends, you went back and forth between two pair of shoes. One was the super comfortable choice, but the other had high heels (which your friends told you looked super awesome with your outfit). You really loved wearing the heels at first, but over time, you regretted it... a lot.
06Sometimes, It's Too Dark Or Too Loud To Do Much But Dance
The perfect girls' night destination is not too dark, and not too loud. You can comfortably chat with your girls, and bust some moves if you want to. Unfortunately, it's a struggle trying to find this girls' night oasis. Sometimes, you're lost in the darkness and have to keep yelling, "WHAT?! I can't hear you!" when your bestie is trying to talk to you.
07Wait, You Want How Much For A Club Soda?!
Going out can be so expensive, but you never thought it would be that expensive. When a club soda price makes your jaw drop, you know your wallet is in major trouble. If you're broke AF, sometimes you just gotta opt for the tap water once again.
08Trying To Round Everyone Up When You Want To Leave
When it's time to leave, it can be mission impossible trying to round up the entire squad. Over the night, your crew likely spread out — some people are drinking, some are chilling on the couches, and some are dancing. Finding everyone honestly feels so stressful, and you're just not about it.