8 Unique Classes To Take With Your Girls That Are Anything But Ordinary
Taking classes with your friends can be so much fun. You're getting out, being active, and having a good time as well. Now, a spin class here and a zumba class there can certainly be rewarding, but what about trying something new and different? Those unique classes to take with your girls are just waiting for you to find them.
Can we also mention bragging rights? If you've done something out of the ordinary but never even talked about it, you haven't been doing it right. We're all about technology and apps these days, right? So, use a little bit of that millennial magic and match you and your girls up with these remarkably awesome classes that will be unforgettable.
Find something that others will literally have to experience to believe, and become a trailblazer for people by making them want to explore those out of the box gems. Some of these classes really are unparalleled, and will get you and your girls out of your comfort zones while exploring a different frequency of fun. After this, you ladies can almost say you've tried practically everything together. If you need a little push in the right direction, these classes are waiting for you and your girls to sign up for.
01Goat Yoga
Remember when I said a little yoga here and there is rewarding? Well, toss in some cute little goats jumping around, and you've got yourself a dope story to tell. Anything involving animals almost instantly skyrockets off the adorable chart — they simply just make everything better. Whoever decided to combine goats with yoga is a total genius, and we're here for this.
02Caribbean-Style Dance Workout Class
Brukwine has found a way to make working out and dancing seem like that epic number you do in your room when no one is watching. The Caribbean style dance class opens up its doors to anyone willing to bust a move, embrace something new, and look sexy while doing it. Your girls will have so much fun making memories at this dance workout class together.
03Candlelight Kundalini Yoga
Yoga already relaxes you, but this candlelight Kundalini class equips you to soar into a state of meditation that could possibly give you an increase in clarity. Life gets pretty jumbled up sometimes, and it's hard for us to find time to really sit down and make sense of the rapidly scattering thoughts we fly through in a matter of seconds. Unwind with your girls and come out feeling like you never had an overcast of conflicting thoughts, like, ever.
04Bounce Back In A Bungee Dance Class
Anything involving a bungee cord literally screams adventure. Now, a whole class revolving around bouncing on one? You can't get any more golden and exciting than that. If you're curious and want to try something new, this bungee dance class is the one for you. It's time to sculpt those muscles and enjoy every minute of it.
05Workout With Drumsticks
If you've ever air drummed a solo of your favorite rock song, the workout Gods have handpicked this class for you. Pound has classes all across the country, and they incorporate weighted drumsticks into their classes and lessons. You and your ladies may turn into some drumming gurus after a few sessions here.
06Hit All The Notes In Cycle Karaoke
The playlist is usually up to par in a cycling class, but what about when you have hold in your favorite part of a song because you're not trying to deal with the judgmental stares? Taking a cycle karaoke class solves all of that. Cycle away to the beats and hit all of those notes along with everyone else. I mean, you're going to sing the song in your head anyway, so you might as well find a platform where those lyrics can be voiced and heard.
07Work It Out, Old School
As much as many of us hated those PE classes back in school, we certainly do miss them now that we have to be an adult. This throwback fitness class takes you back to those days when you excitedly ran around playing dodgeball and were unknowingly working out at the same time. Sometimes, we need a little nostalgic taste of the good old days. Now, you can not only celebrate with your team after a capture the flag victory, but most likely, everyone's old enough to grab a drink afterwards. Also, your throwback Thursday Instagram post just got that much easier.
08Paint And Push Yourself
They've literally thought of everything, haven't they? Instead of you and your ladies trying out a sip and paint class, you can paint and work out with this high intensity interval painting class. Just imagine what sort of creativity you'll tap into as you work out your body and focus your mind.
Trying out new classes with your girls by your side is a great way to spice up your friendship. Who knows what sort of memories there are to be had when you explore these classes together.