9 Tiny Details In The 'Solo: A Star Wars' Story Trailer You Definitely Missed
After the teaser that dropped during the Super Bowl on Sunday night, Feb. 5, Monday morning saw the follow-up of the first full trailer of Solo: A Star Wars Story. While the standalone film has been plagued by infighting and rumors, everything having to do with the actual film itself has been tightly kept under wraps. So, what is there to learn when we deep dive into the trailer? We run down all the Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer details there are to find.
This is the first of the Star Wars films to come out in the original Memorial Day weekend window that the franchise once occupied in a Death Star-like manner, and is getting to forge the marketing schedule that newer films will follow. While this first trip back to a summer release schedule for the series feels like a jolt, especially with The Last Jedi only just exiting theaters after dominating over the holidays, fans should expect that come 2020, Lucasfilm will make the move to summer permanent, if for no other reason than attempting to market a film for Christmas sales four months before it arrives in theaters is a logistical nightmare.
If Star Wars will stick to starting their promotional drive with the Super Bowl going forward remains to be seen. As it is, this was a super effective way to come out of the gate.
Let's take a look at the whole thing before hitting the breakdown.
One of the most striking things about this film is that it doesn't feel like Star Wars. Though these standalone "anthology" films are supposed to explore different areas of the galaxy, the "space western/heist" vibe this one is putting out is incredibly different than anything we've seen from the franchise before.
1. It's American Graffiti In Space
Harrison Ford's first film with George Lucas was called American Graffiti, where he basically played an American Han Solo, and he drives a something not unlike what we're seeing above. It's notable that Alden Ehrenreich, who does not look (or sound) at all like Harrison Ford, seems to be his most Han Solo-looking here.
2. We're Going Back to Pre-New Hope Tech
Check out the dials. Those look not unlike the X-Wing tech from the run on the Death Star in the original Star Wars.
3. Han Solo's First Ship
What did Han Solo, wannabe ace pilot, fly before the Falcon? It doesn't look impressive, does it? Perhaps he shouldn't boast about failing out of flight school.
4. A New, Clean Falcon
Ooh, such a clean, pretty Falcon interior. All white and gleaming. Lando keeps his ride in tip-top shape.
5. Lando's Sidekick Is a Droid
Is that a K-2SO-style droid that Lando has as a co-pilot before he loses the ship to Han? it sure looks like it. In fact, most of the droids have the K-2SO look to them.
6. Thandie Newton Is Not Having It
This is the only shot we see of Thandie Newton's as of yet unnamed character, but she looks like part of the team Woody Harrelson is putting together. And that's a heck of a blaster she's carrying.
7. Qi’ra Is Not The Love Interest, She's The Bad Guy
Star Wars good guys don't arrive in smoky ground entrances wearing capes like that. It's just a fact. (Where are her dragons?)
8. That's Not A Blaster
Another homage to a Harrison Ford film, Indiana Jones. What are the chances he guns down the Aurebesh coming at him with a sword in irritation?
9. Lando Does Not Wear Wookie Fur
Childish Landino will serenade you now.
Solo: A Star Wars Story arrives in theaters everywhere on May 25, 2018.