Let's Be Honest: You're Game To Do These 9 Things With Mom At Any Age & Stage
If you have an awesome relationship with your mom, you know you're really #blessed. She's such a cool role model who helped you become the fabulous person you are today. Growing up, she may have been your favorite companion for every adventure you went on. And with Mother's Day coming up in May, it's the perfect time to start planning all the activities you want to do to celebrate your number one person. The only problem with planning is that the ideas are endless, because there are so many things you're never too old to do with your mom.
Honestly, I could talk about my mom all day long. She makes me laugh the hardest, and she's my favorite person to talk to. If I could, I would hang out with her all the time. Unfortunately, distance throws a wrench into the equation, but whenever I'm home, it's mom-time all the time. I miss the days of going back-to-school clothes shopping together in the fall, and getting "just us girls" brunch together on Sundays.
You and your mom may have similar mother-daughter traditions that don't have to end because you're a grown-up. In fact, these nine things are fun activities you'd love to do with your mom no matter what your age may be or the stage of life you're in. Whether it's for Mother's Day or just the next time you're together, I hope you have a mom-umental time.
01Having Late-Night Talks About Anything And Everything
Ever since you were little, you went to your mom for advice and fun stories. You could vent to her when you were having a rough day. She'd say all the right things to put things into perspective and make you feel so much better.
Those late-night talks don't have to end just because you're a grown-up. In fact, you might need those talks even more now with the struggles that come with adulthood.
02Going On Shopping Dates To Your Favorite Shops And Boutiques
Growing up, shopping for new clothes for school in the fall was the best. Your mom took you to your favorite stores, and you'd both pick out outfits to try on. Most of the time, you could count on her to choose a few unexpected winners you wouldn't have normally picked out for yourself. To this day, you still value your shopping dates together.
03Treating Yourselves To Mani-Pedis
Let's be honest: Treating yourself to a relaxing mani-pedi will never get old — especially when you're enjoying the experience with Mom. Of course, a salon with massage chairs is #necessary, and if you want to opt for a special kind of pedicure, I say go for it!
04Having Girls' Brunch On Sunday
Brunch is always a good plan, am I right? It's a key tradition that'll last forever. You and Mom can have mother-daughter dates checking out trendy new spots, or opt for your favorite local café.
05Watching Your Favorite Flicks On Friday Night
You and Mom might have that one favorite movie that you're always in the mood to watch together. (My movie with my mom is You've Got Mail. We quote it to each other all the time, and we'll stop whatever we're doing and watch it whenever it comes on the TV.) Friday is the best time for a mom movie night, complete with popcorn and tons of soft blankets.
06Baking Traditional Family Desserts
Your family may have a few cherished recipes that have been passed down. When you were little, your mom taught you how to bake and measure by having you help her out in the kitchen. Now, you're both pros, and can spend time making those amazing recipes Instagram-worthy.
07Taking A Trip Down Memory Lane Looking At Old Photos
Every time I'm home, there's a point where I break out the old family photo albums. It's always fun to get a little nostalgic and throw it back every once in a while. You and your mom can go through old photos and reminisce about the good old days. It may not be much, but this is the one activity that always brings a smile to both of your faces.
08Hitting The Road For A Day Trip Out Of Town
Road trips were always fun when you were a kid. You picked your fave music to introduce to your mom, and spent quality time catching up. Take a weekend to hop in the car and hit the road. Go to a neighboring city for lunch, shopping, or wherever the road may bring you.
09Feeling Zen At A Yoga Class
Find a fun workout class to stretch it out together. My mom and I used to do long-distance yoga over Skype. We played the same video and followed along together. So, no matter how far away you may be from each other, this is something fun to do whenever.