95 Cute Wedding Hashtags To Use When It's Time To #PopTheChampagne & Party
I can hear the bells, because wedding season is officially here. Whether you're helping your bestie plan their big day, tagging along as a plus one, or prepping for your own special day, you want to be prepared to party without pause. For all of your bride selfies, cake pics, and dancing boomerangs at the reception, you'll want to have not only captions for your Instagram posts, but cute wedding hashtags, too.
Nowadays, it's not just about the right caption to go along with any snap you take. You want to incorporate hashtags as well. The happy couple probably has a hashtag picked out for their big day that's a combination of their names and something punny, but you'll also want to put in a few extra tags to make sure your post gets all the love it truly deserves.
Hashtags are a great way for you to look back on photos whenever you'd like. It's a digital photo album you can pull out with a simple search. They can also be a fun way to show off your humor with a cute pun. Though, I love the way hashtags bring in a few extra likes, because let's be honest: Who doesn't want more likes?
Weddings are all about bringing family and friends together and celebrating the love that's in the air. When you post pics on Instagram, use any of these 95 wedding hashtags. Just post ASAP, because there's a slice of cake with your name on it, and you do not want to make it wait.
1. #WeddingDay
2. #EatDrinkBeMarried
3. #GettingMarried
4. #TheyLivedHappilyEverAfter
5. #DreamWedding
6. #DreamsComeTrue
7. #PromDate2LifeMate
8. #AVowToParty
9. #ForeverPartyOf2
10. #MissToMrs
11. #ALoveToLast
12. #MarriageHasANiceRingToIt
13. #PutARingOnIt — Beyoncé, "Single Ladies"
14. #Bride
15. #Wedding
16. #InstaWedding
17. #Fairytale
18. #InstaFairytale
19. #WeddingDress
20. #WeddingCake
21. #CakeInTiers
22. #PopTheChampagneChangingLastName
23. #WeddingParty
24. #PartyFacesOn
25. #WedLongAndProsper
26. #OurAdventureBeginsToday
27. #TheStoryOfUs — Taylor Swift, "The Story Of Us"
28. #ForeverAndAlways — Taylor Swift, "Forever & Always
29. #NachoAverageBride
30. #TwoLessFishInTheSea
31. #LoveAtFirstSight
32. #MFEO
33. #CutestCouple
34. #CoupleGoals
35. #PerfectWedding
36. #PinterestWorthy
37. #CanYouFeelTheLoveTonight — The Lion King
38. #TogetherForever
39. #TrueLovesKiss
40. #KissTheBride
41. #KissTheGirl — The Little Mermaid
42. #DreamComeTrue
43. #AWholeNewWorldWithYou — Aladdin
44. #TaleAsOldAsTime — Beauty and the Beast
45. #LoveWins
46. #BetterTogether — Jack Johnson, "Better Together"
47. #ToHaveAndToHold
48. #JustTheBeginning
49. #WeddingsReallyTakeTheCake
50. #LoveFromMyHeadTomatoes
51. #ALoveLikeNoOther
52. #SuchAGoudaCouple
53. #APizzaMyHeart
54. #AToastToTheHappyCouple
55. #IDo
56. #IDoCrew
57. #LifeIsGoodWithYou
58. #AllDressedInWhite
59. #BrideUnveil
60. #WeddingBouquet
61. #TossTheBouquet
62. #WeDo
63. #LoveYouBerryMuch
64. #IWillAlwaysLoveYou — Whitney Houston, "I Will Always Love You"
65. #MrsHasANiceRingToIt
66. #LoveForever
67. #MarriageGoals
68. #IChooseYou
69. #AVeryEngagingWedding
70. #LoveTheVows
71. #LoveTheWineYoureWith
72. #SoHappyTogether — The Turtles, "Happy Together"
73. #MeantToBe
74. #Soulmate
75. #WeddingPlanningPaidOff
76. #BrideStyle
77. #BrideOfTheDay
78. #RelationshipGoals
80. #FairytaleRomance
81. #OnceUponATime
82. #WhenYouWishUponAStar — Pinocchio
83. #TodayWasAFairytale — Taylor Swift, "Today Was A Fairytale"
84. #StorybookWedding
85. #AtLast — Etta James, "At Last"
86. #AllOfMeLovesAllOfYou — John Legend, "All of Me"
87. #IWannaMarryYou
88. #CantHelpFallingInLove — Elvis Presley, "Can't Help Falling In Love"
89. #ImYours — Jason Mraz, "I'm Yours"
90. #MeowAndFurever
91. #MermaidToBeTogether
92. #BestFriendsForLife
93. #ForeverInLove
94. #ISaidYes
95. #ThisSweetMoment
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