A New Moon & Solar Eclipse Mean Totally Different Things, But They're Happening On The Same Day
We're all tiny specs living in an infinite universe. Granted, I sound more like an astronomer than an astrologer, but do you ever wonder why there isn't an eclipse every time there's a full and new moon? I'm going to tell you the difference between a new moon vs. a solar eclipse, and you'll be surprised to learn why they're both completely unique. Now, just so you know, there are two types of eclipses on earth: a solar eclipse, and a lunar eclipse. One is an eclipse of the moon, and the other an eclipse of the sun. It gets better; there are three types of solar eclipses, and two types of lunar eclipses. See? I told you this was infinite.
According to NASA, an "eclipse takes place when one heavenly body such as a moon or planet moves into the shadow of another heavenly body". For instance, the new moon is the first lunar phase, and it's when the sun and the moon are aligned. A solar eclipse, on the other hand, occurs when the moon moves between the sun and earth, which ultimately blocks the sunlight from reaching earth. Now do you see the difference? A regular new and full moon can be similar; although, in the midst of this, there aren't any planets casting shadows. Make sense?
There's more. As per NASA, the moon casts two shadows on earth during a solar eclipse: umbra and penumbra. The umbra shadow gets smaller as it reaches earth, as it is the dark center of la luna's shadow. The penumbra shadow, however, gets larger as it gets closer to the earth. Now, those who witness the umbra, will experience a total eclipse, while the people who stand in the penumbra witness the partial eclipse. I know, this is a cosmic cluster f*ck, but beautifully complex nonetheless. Although, by now, I'm pretty sure you can catch my drift.
New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse In Capricorn: Jan. 5, 2019
Now that you know the difference between a new moon and a solar eclipse, let's talk a little bit about the upcoming lunation, which just so happens to be in the sign of Capricorn. By the way, this solar eclipse is also a new moon, as the sun and moon will be aligned on the day of. Think about it; we're in the midst of Capricorn season, right? Well, that means the sun is in Capricorn, and the moon will also be in the sign of the goat during the eclipse. However, since it's a solar eclipse, the moon in Capricorn will block the sun from reaching the earth, just as I mentioned. See how it all connects so beautifully?
To be more specific, this lunation will conjunct Saturn, Capricorn's planetary ruler, and align with Pluto and the south node. For the record, the Saturnian influence will be stronger than ever, considering the taskmaster planet is working at its full potential. The influence of Pluto, however, will spark intense change, and a possible rebirth. Luckily for us, the moon's conjunction to Saturn can help us solidify our new moon intentions, and bless us with long-term effects. However, there's a catch, because we all know Saturn doesn't make situations easier, on the contrary.
In typical Capricorn fashion, we are being asked to think realistically, and reflect on whether or not we're committed to succeed. So, whether you're finishing school, writing a book, working on your fitness, looking for a new job, etc. This energy isn't going to give you immediate results. No sir. We will need to really work, focus, and push ourselves hard AF to reach the top of that mountain. However, once Saturn sees us putting in the work, (because you know he's watching like Big Brother, literally) we will be rewarded with something solid, long, and lasting.
Can't be that bad, right?