
A. Rod's Pre-VMAs "Fan Boy" Post Of J. Lo Will Get You So Pumped For The Show

by Lizzy Rosenberg
Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

In my personal opinion, one of the absolute best parts about being in a relationship is constantly having a hype man at my beck and call. It's a really, really fantastic feeling to always have somebody who tirelessly gives me emotional support in any and all of my endeavors. It turns out that celeb couples like to hype each other up just like the mere mortals who follow them on the 'Gram. If you haven't yet seen A. Rod's "fan boy" post of Jennifer Lopez, you're going to melt. Seriously, it's so freakin' sweet.

On Friday, Aug. 17, former Yankees player Alex Rodriguez posted a gym selfie on Instagram, but it wasn't quite a classic gym selfie revolving around him "getting shredded" or "lifting heavy." The focus was actually on his extremely talented girlfriend, Jennifer Lopez. She's the only one working out in the shot. While A. Rod was clearly dressed for work in slacks, a tie, and a button-down shirt, J. Lo was prepping for the VMAs. 

In the caption, Rodriguez claimed he was simply "practicing fan boy selfies" for when J. Lo received the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the VMAs on Monday Aug. 20. Seriously, how cute is that?! He's so supportive and encouraging — I can't even deal with the #relationshipgoals of it all.

Just look at how they're so in love. Can't you tell?!

A. Rod's Instagram caption reads:

Practicing my fan boy selfies for when @jlo accepts her Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award on Monday night. @mtv#VMA#RadioCityMusicHall

Alright, it's official: they are the best couple in all of Hollywood. All other relationships are cancelled, people. It was so sweet of A. Rod to surprise J. Lo at the gym to get her hyped to accept the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award on Monday at MTV's Video Music Awards.

OK, he hasn't only gotten her hyped, but he's also gotten me very hyped for the show.

A few weeks ago, J. Lo was interviewed on the Cubby and Carolina in the Morning radio show, and she discussed her loving relationship with A. Rod. The Jenny On The Block singer explained that they work so well together as a couple because they're both at a really comfortable spot in their lives, where they've accomplished a lot professionally. Plus, they both have kids. She reiterated that they complement and encourage each other, which is why they'll probably end up together forever.

In the interview, J.Lo said:

I think we’re both in a good place in our lives, and I think maybe if we would have met in our 20s, maybe not so much… we were both… we’re too crazy. But now at this point in our lives where we both have kids, we both have accomplished certain things in our careers and we’re kinda in that second act of our lives, we really complement each other. It’s like, where I need help, he’s really strong and where he needs help I’m really strong.

OK, so it's official: A. Rod and J. Lo are the best couple ever. They're so supportive of each other, and Lopez totally looks ready to rock the VMAs in his "fan boy" post. I'll also tell you that she is not the only one who is stoked to see her accept the Video Vanguard award. TBH, Rodriguez's hyped-up 'Gram has me pumped to see her take the stage on Monday. Keep it up, J. Lo and A. Rod, because you're both killin' the relationship game in every single way.