Twitter Is Dragging The White House For This One Awkward Christmas Decoration
Once the last piece of Thanksgiving pumpkin pie is devoured, it's time to start thinking about Christmas. Putting up decorations is a surefire way to get into the holiday mood, and the Christmas prep is in full swing at the White House. While most of the décor looks lovely and festive, some people zeroed-in on one awkward decoration adorning 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. this holiday season. Once a White House Christmas mistletoe was spotted, Twitter couldn't be stopped from making the same cringeworthy joke about Donald Trump.
First Lady Melania Trump posted a video of this year's White House Christmas decorations to her Twitter page on Monday, Nov. 27. The theme of "Time-Honored Christmas Traditions" is evident throughout the decorations. There are plenty of trees trimmed with lights and ornaments, wreaths wrapped in red bows, and Christmas cookies in the shapes of Frosty the Snowman and decorative red stars. One detail, though, might have been better left off of the decoration list.
CNN White House reporter Kate Bennett posted a picture of the mistletoe hanging in the White House to her Twitter page on Monday, Nov. 27. Immediately, people began making the same reference to the infamous 2005 Access Hollywood tape of then-candidate Donald Trump talking to Billy Bush concerning Trump's actions when he's around "beautiful women."
Bennett posted a picture of the mistletoe hanging in the White House.
According to The History Channel, the origin of kissing under the mistletoe during the Christmas season began in 18th century England among the servant class. Fair warning, the tradition is very antiquated and sounds a lot like men kissing women without their consent — in the name of holiday spirit, of course.
The tradition was that men were allowed to steal a kiss from any woman who found herself standing under the mistletoe. Furthermore, if the woman refused the kiss, it was considered bad luck. Yeah, the kiss-me-or-you'll-have-bad-luck defense seems pretty weak.
The comparisons to President Trump's remarks caught on the 2005 Access Hollywood tape were just too eerily similar to ignore. You'll recall that Trump was recorded saying:
I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the p*ssy. You can do anything.
With those words ringing in people's minds, Twitter wasted no time dragging the unfortunate choice of Christmas décor.
This disturbing quote from the Access Hollywood tape was posted in response.
"Just kiss. I don't even wait."
Another commenter made a reference to the tape where Trump said he used some Tic Tacs, "just in case."
Calling mistletoe "harassment stations" will make you cringe, then laugh, then cringe again.
It was suggested that Trump's attitude in the tape might lead one to believe that he doesn't need any sort of "OK" to make an unwanted advance on a woman.
Pretty much accurate.
You'd think that someone would have anticipated this miscue before it happened.
It's safe to say many people were grossed out.
Some thought that people were reading too much into it.
It might be true that a different administration, one not led by a man who once bragged about grabbing women by the p*ssy, would not have received this kind of backlash in response to a Christmas decoration. The problem is that when you read the tradition of mistletoe in conjunction with this president's attitude toward women, there is just too much similarity when it comes to an apparent lack of respect for women.
Beyond making this a political issue, though, after reading the tradition of mistletoe, it's just hella gross. There are also so many other ways to decorate for Christmas that it doesn't seem like it would be too much of a burden to nix the plant. There has to be a better way to celebrate the season than by decorating with mistletoe that was hung so men could kiss women whenever they wanted without their consent (for fear of bad luck).
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