All This Girl Wanted Was To Sell Her Lamp On Tinder & It Was Actually A Total Hit
Yes, you'd think the purpose of dating apps would be to, I don't know... date? But who says it has to be limited to just dating? You could use it to make friends! You could use it to find ~the one~. You could use it to reconnect with people you forgot existed! You could use it for all kinds of things. What's another creative way to use it? Oh, you know... to sell a lamp. Wait, what? Let me explain. A girl tried to sell her lamp on a dating app, and surprisingly, the move was a total hit.
Yep, that's right. 18-year-old Aline Cunia, a student at SUNY Oswego University, needed to sell her lamp, and while most of us would turn to eBay or Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist to take care of such an endeavor, she went for a more unconventional route. Mashable reports that Cunia was hanging at her cousin Ariana's house when she decided to make her lamp a dating app profile and start swiping. As I mentioned earlier, her scheme was a total hit. What do I mean by "total hit" in terms of selling a lamp on a dating app? Well, basically, Cunia explained in a tweet:
I made a tinder to sell my lamp and got so many matches and messages that it crashed my phone and sent it into a crash loop. It’s cool though, I sold it. thanks Joseph.
People on the app weren't the only ones who were into Cunia's idea. To make things even better, people on the internet were also all about it, and her tweet went viral. Currently, the tweet has almost 4,000 retweets and more than 12,000 favorites.
So how do you go about selling a lamp on on a dating app? Well, Cunia posted a picture of the lamp and included the following in the profile: "Not looking for hookups, just to sell my lamp. Serious inquiries only." The name on the profile was, unsurprisingly, "Lamp," and she made it 25 years old. Nice, simple, to the point. I'm all about it.
As far as responses go, Cunia received some pretty great offers for her lamp. (Who knew so many people were into lamps?) As you can see in her tweet above, apparently, one guy made no mention of the lamp, but mentioned he was rich and also offered her a "hookup" if she was "interested." But that guy got a painful dose of reality when Cunia replied with "I am a lamp." Another guy offered her drugs in lieu of money, but again, hard pass.
"The closest I came was with a man who offered $120, but he wanted to meet in person," Cunia told Mashable. "I didn’t necessarily want to do that since he only had one photo of himself and it was poor quality (usually a sign of a catfish or someone sketchy) so I declined. I gave him my Venmo and told him if he sent me a shipping address, I would send it there and guaranteed a refund if he did not receive it within 10 business days."
Unfortunately, though, things with that guy ended up not working out. (And by things, I mean, the lamp sale was a no-go.) "I never received the money and he’s ghosted since my decline to meet in person," Cunia said.
That being said, Mashable also reports that not selling the lamp may have been a blessing after all. Cunia's aunt reportedly told her that the lamp might actually be worth upwards of $800, since it's old AF and likely an antique.
And, you know, it's probably best that Cunia didn't meet up with that guy. He sounded pretty sketchy. But, hey, next time you're having trouble selling something, just know that maybe a dating app is an option.
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