Aly & AJ Revealed Which Of Their Songs Is Really About Joe Jonas & I Am So Shook
If you thought Aly and AJ's "Potential Breakup Song" was about Joe Jonas, you're not the only one. Since the duo released the single a year after AJ Michalka and Jonas called it quits on their brief relationship in 2006, fans thought they connected the dots when they concluded Jonas was the inspiration behind the breakup anthem. However, Aly and AJ hit Twitter to set the record straight: Yes, Jonas inspired one of their songs, but not the one fans believed all this time. Aly and AJ's tweet revealing "Flattery" was about Joe Jonas will blow your mind.
It all started when YouTuber Elle Mills went down a rabbit hole and read the theory "Potential Breakup Song" was about Jonas. "Ok so you’re telling me that i went 13 years not knowing that one of the greatest songs ever written was about joE JONAS THIS ENTIRE TIME," Mills tweeted, along with old photos of Michalka and Jonas.
Mills' post went viral and sparked a huge fan debate. Many fans tweeted thinking this was a known fact, while others were just as stumped as Mills. "I didn’t know this either somehow," YouTuber Ricky Dillon commented. "How did YOU of all people not know this!!!!!!!!!" YouTuber Remi Cruz told Mills.
As it turns out, fans were totally wrong. Aly and AJ saw Mills' post and revealed "Potential Breakup Song" was not about Jonas at all. Fans were close, though, because Jonas actually inspired another one of their Insomniatic tracks: "Flattery."
"Flattery not Potential," Aly and AJ told Mills.
Knowing this now, fans won't be able to look at "Potential Breakup Song" the same ever again. In the song, the sisters sing, "It took too long for you to call back/ And normally I would just forget that/ Except for the fact it was my birthday/ My stupid birthday."
In a 2018 Reddit Q&A, Michalka revealed she once mailed Jonas a slice of birthday cake, making fans almost certain the song was about him.
Meanwhile, in "Flattery," the duo sings, "I can forgive it, I can't forget it/ You left me here with all these scars/ And you can't deny the hardest part/ I'm not in your arms."
Now that the debate has been settled, fans will look at "Flattery" with a whole new lens from now on.