Amy Schumer Just Revealed If She's Having A Boy Or A Girl With A Thought-Provoking IG
Amy Schumer has officially revealed the sex of her baby, and she's done so in a pretty non-traditional style. There was no themed reveal with balloons or cake; instead, Schumer posted an Instagram caption on May 5 that deals with an entirely different subject until the last sentence, where Schumer reveals the sex of the child she's expecting any day now. Amy Schumer is having a boy, according to her Instagram post revealing the sex, but the post also discusses workers' rights with respect to fast food restaurant Wendy's. Elite Daily reached out to Schumer for further comment on the reveal and to Wendy's for comment on Schumer's post but did not hear back by the time of publication.
Schumer's Instagram post with a photo of her and her husband, Chris Fischer, starts with a callout to Chance The Rapper. First, some context: On Saturday, May 4, Chance tweeted a shoutout to Wendy's, writing, "Positive Affirmations for today: I WILL have a good day, I Will succeed today, Wendy’s WILL bring back spicy nuggets at some point please please Lord let it be today."
Soon after, Wendy's tweeted back at Chance, saying that if the chain's tweet about the nuggets can get 2 million likes, Wendy's will bring back the spicy nuggets Chance mentioned in his original tweet.
So, back to Schumer. She starts her May 5 Insta post by expressing her love for Chance, but then goes into the reported working conditions of Wendy's tomato supplier's farm workers. Schumer writes,
Hey! We love @chancetherapper and hate to be the ones to tell him that Wendys is the only fast food chain refusing to protect farmworker women from sexual assault and rape in the fields. This is true. Please read that sentence again. Message for the people in charge: Instead of spicy nuggets, we want food that is harvested with dignity NOT violence. Please join the @fairfoodprogram and #BoycottWendys link in my bio of how you can help.
After sharing the information on Wendy's, Schumer ended the post with, "Also we are having a boy." So, there you have it: Schumer and Fischer are expecting a baby boy soon, and they want you to read up on Wendy's and the Fair Food Program.
In a March 2019 article in The New York Times about labor standards involving a tomato supplier of Wendy's, the publication revealed that Wendy's is not part of the Fair Food Program, which works to ensure the dignity and rights of farmworkers, with efforts like securing minimum-wage payments and protecting workers from physical and sexual abuse. According to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a "worker-based human rights organization internationally recognized for its achievements in fighting human trafficking and gender-based violence at work," per the CIW website, McDonald’s, Subway, Burger King, and Taco Bell are all part of the Fair Food Program. Wendy's did not immediately respond to Elite Daily's request for comment on whether the chain plans to join the program. In the NYT article, a Wendy's spokesperson said "the company required its tomato suppliers to submit to third-party reviews of their human rights and labor practices."
When it comes to Schumer's baby's sex reveal, it seems like fans have been waiting for it since she announced her pregnancy back in October 2018. Recently, Schumer also posted a funny photo on Instagram with a hilarious caption about how she feels like she's been pregnant for a long time.
Many of her IG posts since her pregnancy announcement have centered her on pregnancy (obviously), her experience with the health care system, or her Netflix special Growing, which was largely about pregnancy.
Now that the world knows she's having a boy, the next big question is, "When will she give birth?" Based off the fact that her announcement was in October, it seems like baby Schumer is slated for an arrival any day now. To be safe, I'd keep an eye on Schumer's IG for the exciting news all her fans have been waiting for. In the meantime, I'll just get ready to tap that "like" button once the birth announcement comes.